Rooms: The Main Building Tips Walkthrough

Check out our strategy guide for Rooms: The Main Building, which includes explanations of all of the items and room types you'll find, and a walkthrough for the mansion and Rooms Street puzzles. HOW TO PLAY The game is broken into two parts: the Mansion rooms (slider puzzles), and Rooms Street (point-and-click puzzles). The goal of the game is to find the four golden puzzle pieces so that you can escape the strange universe. To do this, you'll have to explore the three rooms off of…

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a:1:i:0;a:2:s:13:”section_title”;s:29:”Rooms: The Main Building Tips”;s:12:”section_body”;s:46473:”

Check out our strategy guide for Rooms: The Main Building, which includes explanations of all of the items and room types you’ll find, and a walkthrough for the mansion and Rooms Street puzzles.


The game is broken into two parts: the Mansion rooms (slider puzzles), and Rooms Street (point-and-click puzzles). The goal of the game is to find the four golden puzzle pieces so that you can escape the strange universe. To do this, you’ll have to explore the three rooms off of Rooms Street: the Subway Station, Rooms Hotel, and Antique Shop. 

You’ll notice, however, that these rooms aren’t accessible right away. Before you can play these levels, you’ll have to acquire some items by visiting the mansions and playing until you’ve opened all the chests and taken what’s inside.

Mansion I’s items correspond to Rooms Hotel (first floor). Mansion II’s items correspond to the Subway Station. Mansion III’s items correspond to Rooms Hotel (attic), and Mansion IV’s items will help you in the Antique Shop. So, expect to play through the game in that order. Play each mansion stage first, then exit out to Rooms Street once you’ve got all your items to go and grab the puzzle piece.

Rooms Street
Map: Clicking here transports you to the Mansions where you play the slider puzzles. From the Mansion screen, you can click Close to return to Rooms Street.

Menu: Click here for a choice of the Options screen (where you can adjust things like screen resolution and whether to play in windowed or full mode), or Main Menu.

Trash Can: When you discard an item from your inventory, it ends up here in the trash can. You can add an item back into your inventory by clicking on the trash can and selecting the item you wish to carry again.

Special Exits: There are three exits off of Rooms Street: Subway Station, Hotel Rooms and Antique Shop. Read the walkthrough for more information on how to access and beat these special rooms.

Final exit: This exit will appear after you’ve found the fourth and final puzzle piece. You can pass through it at any time to end the game, or keep playing the Mansion levels.

If you pick up more items than your inventory slots can hold, extra items will be stored in the trash can on Rooms Street.

Mansion Screen

  • You can travel to each of the four mansions by clicking on them along the top. New mansions will appear as you clear the previous one.
  • A white pointing hand and "You are here" message tells you what room you’re currently playing. To select a different room, click on it with the mouse.
  • Progress follows a linear path, as indicated by the grey dots. You can’t play a room unless you’ve cleared the one before it. Sometimes the path will branch off into multiple directions. Some of the rooms are optional at first, but you’ll need to pass them all eventually if you want to get the good ending.
  • Sometimes a path will lead to a chest. Make sure you open all of the chests, because they contain important items for finding the puzzle pieces.
  • Some rooms will be locked at first, and the game will give you a message such as "Beat Mansion IV, Level 1 first." This means that you can’t access this room until you’ve advanced to Mansion IV and beaten the first room there. You’ll have to keep playing until you’ve done that, then double back to play the older room, which will now be unlocked.
  • Click on the Replay buttons to re-watch the cutscenes between your character and the book. Sometimes these contain important clues.

Room Screen


  • If you’re playing in timed mode, the clock will count down to show how much time you have left to complete the level. When time is about to run out, a gate will start to close over the exit gate. When this happens, you have only a short amount of time left to finish.


  • Click on this to hide or show the menu buttons.

Help button

  • Click once and your cursor will turn into a "?". Click on any element in the puzzle (such as wardrobe, clock, ladder) to learn more about it. To get rid of the "?" click the Help button again.

Show BG button

  • Hover your mouse over the "Show BG" button and you’ll see the background tiles without ladders and other obstacles.
  • Click on the "Show BG" button and you’ll see an outline of the grid that you have to fill in. Tiles that are filled in are in the correct spot. Squares with question marks show tiles that still need to be filled in.

Menu button

  • From here you can Restart Level (try the same level again from the beginning); Select Level (takes you to the Mansion map screen), Option (adjust screen resolution, etc.), go back to Rooms Street, or go to the Main Menu. This also pauses the game.


  • This takes you to the Mansion screen if you want to try a different room.

Restart Level

  • A shortcut for starting the same level over again.

Using items

  • To use an item, click on your character to open the inventory. Click on the item you wish to use and select "Use it," then click the item on the object you want to use it on.

Puzzle Piece Levels

  • These special rooms, Subway Station, Rooms Hotel and Antique Shop, are all accessed from Room Street.
  • There’s really no point in visiting the puzzle piece areas until you’ve opened all the chests in a particular mansion, because only then will you have all the items you need.
  • Items you can interact with by either picking them up or using an item from your inventory on will be highlighted by a white silhouette when you scroll your mouse over them.
  • Click anywhere on the screen to move your character there.
  • You can click on ladders and stairs to move up or down them, even though they don’t get highlighted.


  • There are three types of door in Rooms: locked doors (must be opened with a key that you find somewhere in the level), two-way doors that can be opened from either side (appears as a door with a knob on either side), and one-way doors (door with a knob on one side only) that can only be opened from the direction of the doorknob.


  • If you have a candle in your inventory, touch this crate of explosives to blow up the wooden barriers that are blocking exits.
  • If you’re in the same room as an explosive when it goes off, you’ll die. Once you’ve lit the explosive, make sure you quickly exit the room by walking out, climbing a ladder, etc.
  • Sometimes simply walking to another room isn’t enough – you have to use your mouse to move yourself to the farthest corner of the room away from the explosive, or it still might get you.
  • If an explosive is in the same room as a wardrobe, you can light the explosive then use the wardrobe to transport the explosive to another part of the room as a means of destroying inaccessible barriers.


  • Use the hydrant to pump water out of one room and into another. You can only pump water if the room with the hydrant in it is located above a water-filled room.
  • You can pump the water in three directions: 1) "rightward" – pump water from the room below into the room to the right of the one you’re in). 2) "leftward" – pump water from the room below into the room to the left of the one you’re in). 3) "here" – pump water from the room below into the room you’re currently standing in.
  • If you choose to pump the water to "here," make sure you have an escape plan, whether it’s quickly climbing a ladder or walking to another room or using a telephone.

Mirror rooms

  • When one mirror room is slid, the other mirror room will slide in the opposite direction – unless one of the rooms is blocked, in which case it will not move.

Subway stops

  • The Underground symbols let you call the subway to move horizontally between any two rooms on the same horizontal plane. As the tutorial says, you can only use the subway if the rooms are along the same horizontal line as each other.
  • When two subway stations are aligned in the proper horizontal manner, the lights on either side of the subway sign will be lit up.

Telephone rooms

  • The red telephones are actually teleporters. If you make a call on one, you can teleport yourself to any other room where there’s another active teleporter.
  • Inactive teleporters are a slightly duller shade of red than active teleporters. You cannot make calls on these teleporters, however you can travel to one by making a call from an active teleporter.

Wardrobe rooms

  • Wardrobes allow you to switch the contents of the room you’re in with the contents of another wardrobe room while you yourself stay put. For example, if you switch your room’s contents with another wardrobe room that has a ladder in it, then the ladder will appear in your room.
  • Broken wardrobes are burnt-looking versions of normal wardrobes. You can’t use this wardrobe if you’re in the same room with it, however you can switch the contents of a room with a broken wardrobe in it if you’re in a different room and using a normal wardrobe. When this happens, however, the broken wardrobe will be transferred to your room as well along with the room’s other contents.

Water-filled rooms

  • You’ll die if you attempt to enter a water-filled room unless you’re wearing a fishbowl.

Whirl-Round Clock / Spinning Rooms

  • The number of pendulums on the clock indicate the number of times you can spin the room before the clock breaks. After the clock breaks, you get no more spins.
  • Click on the diagonal arrows to spin a room (left for counter-clockwise, right for clockwise).
  • On rare occasions, it’s actually not beneficial to spin the room right away, but rather, you’ll need to slide it a few times first. However, all levels must end with the spinning rooms in the proper upward position.

Candle: You must have this item in your inventory in order to light explosives.

Cell phone: This is an inventory item that will send you to any teleporter in the level from wherever you are, as opposed to having to be in the same room as a red telephone.

Fishbowl: Wear it on your head to pass through water-filled rooms unharmed.

Here’s a walkthough for the mansion and Rooms Street levels. Wherever possible, I’ve included the solution that leads to a "perfect" score, where all of the tiles are in the proper order to complete the background image. In a few cases where I couldn’t find the perfect solution, I’ve noted down a solution that will get you to the gate, but just not with a perfect score. I’ve marked these as (IMPERFECT).

Explanation of instructions

Walk = move the character one space in the direction specified (i.e. "walk left" means walk to the room on the left. "Walk left twice" would mean walk left through two rooms, and "walk all the way left" means walk left until you can’t walk anymore.

Slide = slide the room in the direction specified.

Climb = climb up or down a ladder in the direction specified.

Get = click on the object specified to add it to your inventory.

Use = use an item – either one that’s already in the room (such as use telephone), or an item from your inventory (use fishbowl, use cellphone).

Unlock = Click on a locked door to unlock it – you’ll automatically walk through it as well.

Pump = Use the pump to pump water into a room, I will specify which direction to click on (Righward, Leftward or Here).

Sometimes when you use a cellphone, wardrobe or subway there will be more than one possible room to select, represented by small icons. I’ve indicated the correct icon to click on by stating "upper" or "lower."

Mansion I: Room 101
Slide right. Get key. Unlock door on right and go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 102
Slide down. Walk left. Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 103
Get key. Slide left. Climb up ladder. Walk right. Slide down. Unlock door on right and walk through. Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

Chest: Golden key

Mansion I: Room 104
Slide left. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Climb up ladder. Walk right. Slide down. Walk right and go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 105
Climb down ladder. Slide left. Climb up ladder. Walk right. Slide down. Walk left. Climb up ladder. Slide right. Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 201
Slide right. Slide up. Walk left. use telephone. Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 202
Slide up. Walk right. Slide down. Slide left. Use telephone. Slide left. Slide up. Walk left. Climb down ladder. Slide right twice. Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 203
Slide right. Climb up ladder. Slide left. Slide down. Climb down ladder. Use telephone. Slide up. Use telephone. Climb up ladder. Slide right. Climb down ladder and go through the gate.

Chest: Rubber mallet

Mansion I: Room 204
Slide left. Use telephone. Walk right. Slide down. Walk left. Use telephone. Slide right twice. Climb down ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 205
Use telephone. Slide left. Climb down ladder. Get key. Slide right. Slide down. Slide right. Climb up ladder. Slide left. Slide up. Unlock door on left and walk through. Use telephone. Slide right. Walk right. Slide up. Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 301
Use telephone. Slide right. Use wardrobe. Climb down ladder. Walk right. Use wardrobe. Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 302
Climb down ladder. Slide right. Use wardrobe. Walk right. Climb up ladder. Slide up. Use wardrobe. Walk left. Climb down ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 303
Slide down. Walk right. Use wardrobe. Slide up. Slide left twice. Use wardrobe. Walk left. Use telephone. Use wardrobe. Walk right and go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 304
Use wardrobe. Climb up ladder. Use wardrobe. Walk left. Slide down. Walk right. Use wardrobe. Climb up ladder. Slide left. Slide up. Use wardrobe. Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

CHEST: Crispy wood chip

Mansion I: Room 305 (locked)
Slide up. Walk right. Use wardrobe. Walk right. Get fishbowl. Use fishbowl. Walk left. Climb down ladder. Slide left twice. Climb up ladder. Use wardrobe. Climb down ladder. Slide right. Climb up ladder. Walk right. Slide down. Use wardrobe. Walk right and go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 401
Walk left. Use telephone. Get key. Slide down. Use telephone. Walk right. Climb up ladder. Slide right. Climb down ladder. Use telephone. Walk right. Slide up. Unlock door on left and go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 402
Slide right. Walk right. Slide down. Get key. Climb up ladder. Slide right. Climb down ladder. Walk left. Slide up. Walk right. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Unlock door on the left and walk through the gate.

CHEST: Stinky wood chip

Mansion I: Room 403
Walk left. Use wardrobe. Slide down. Walk left. Climb up ladder. Get key. Slide right twice. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Walk left. Slide up. Slide right. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Unlock door on the left. Slide up. Slide right. Go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 404
Slide down twice. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Climb up ladder. Walk right. Slide down. Walk left. Climb up ladder. Climb up ladder. Slide right. Slide down. Walk left. Slide up. Climb up ladder. Get key. Slide right. Slide down. Walk left. Slide down. Climb down ladder. Walk right. Slide down.
Unlock door on left and go through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 405
Walk left. Slide down. Climb down ladder. Walk right. Slide up. Walk left. Climb down ladder. Slide right. Walk right. Get key. Slide up. Unlock door on left and go through. Walk left. Slide up. Walk right. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Climb up ladder. Walk right. Slide down. Walk left. Climb up ladder. Slide right. Unlock door on right and walk through the gate.

Mansion I: Room 101
Get candle. Slide right. Climb up ladder. Light explosive with candle and QUICKLY walk down ladder. Walk up ladder. Walk left and go through the gate.

Mansion II: Room 102
Slide down. Walk right. Use wardrobe. Climb up ladder. Slide left twice. Climb down ladder. Get candle. Climb up ladder. Light explosive with candle and QUICKLY climb down ladder AND slide left. Slide right. Climb up ladder. Walk left and go through the gate.

Mansion II: Room 103 (solution by Robin Jackson)
Use teleport. Walk right through door. Slide right. Climb up ladder. Use teleport. Slide right. Slide up. Walk right through door. Climb down ladder. Slide left twice. Climb up ladder. Exit.

CHEST: Silver key, unlocks the subway

Mansion II: Room 104
Slide room down. Use phone. Slide room right. Use wardrobe. Climb ladder. Slide room right. Climb ladder. Slide room left. Walk left and pick up key. Walk right. Slide room down. Unlock door on left. Walk through gate.

Mansion II: Room 201
Slide room left. Climb ladder. Use phone. Slide room down. Use phone. Slide room right. Climb ladder. Get key. Use wardrobe. Unlock door on left. Walk left and go through the gate.

Mansion II: Room 202
Slide left. Slide up. Use wardrobe. Get candle. Walk left. Climb down ladder. Use candle to light explosive, then QUICKLY use wardrobe. Use wardrobe again (to bring the ladder back into your room). Climb ladder. Walk right. Use wardrobe. Walk right and through the gate.

Mansion II: Room 203
Slide left. Climb up ladder. Walk right. Get candle. Slide down. Slide right. Use wardrobe. Use candle to light explosive and QUICKLY climb the ladder. Climb down ladder. Walk right. Get key. Walk left. Climb up ladder. Unlock door on the right and go through the gate.

CHEST: Free pass for the subway

Mansion II: Room 204
Slide right. Climb up ladder. Walk left. Slide down. Slide down. Walk right. Use wardrobe (upper orange symbol). Climb up ladder. Use wardrobe (lower blue symbol). Climb up ladder. Slide left. Slide down. Walk right. Slide up. Climb up ladder. Walk left and through the gate.

Mansion II: Room 205
Climb down ladder. Slide right. Slide down. Use telephone. Slide up. Slide right. Use telephone. Slide left. Slide up. Use telephone. Slide down. Slide left. Use telephone. Climb ladder. Walk right. Slide down. Walk left. Climb ladder. Slide right. Walk right and get candle. Walk left. Slide left. Walk down ladder. Walk right. Slide down. Walk left. Use telephone. Climb up ladder. Slide right. Slide down. Use candle to light explosive and QUICKLY walk left. Walk right twice and get key. Walk left. Slide up. Slide left. Climb down ladder. Use telephone. Walk right. Slide up. Walk left. Use telephone. Slide right. Unlock door on right and go through the gate.

Mansion II: Room 301
Call subway (lower). Go through the gate.

CHEST: Electric tape

Mansion II: Room 302
Slide down. Call subway (upper). Slide up. Walk right. Climb down ladder. Slide left twice. Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion II: Room 303
Slide right. Climb down ladder. Slide right. Walk right. Climb up ladder. Get key. Climb down ladder. Walk left. Call subway (upper). Slide up. Walk right. Slide down. Slide left. Climb up ladder. Slide right. Unlock door on right and go through the gate.

Mansion II: Room 304
Slide up. Use telephone. Slide down. Walk right. Slide right. Slide down. Walk left. Slide up. Slide right. Climb up ladder. Use telephone. Slide right. Slide down. Walk left. Slide up twice. Call subway (lower) and go through gate.

Mansion II: Room 305 (locked) Clear Mansion III Level 1 to play
Slide left. Climb down ladder. Slide right. Slide up. Walk right. Pump water to "Here" and QUICKLY walk left. Slide down. Walk right. Get silver key. Walk left. Slide left. Climb up ladder. Call subway (upper). Unlock right door and walk through. Get gold key. Call subway (left). Pump water to "Here" and QUICKLY walk right. Slide down. Unlock door on left and walk through the gate.

Mansion II: Room 401 (Thanks to Robin Jackson for providing the Gold solution)
Use telephone. Slide up. Walk left. Use wardrobe. Walk all the way left. Climb down ladder. Slide down. Walk right. Slide right twice. Slide up. Climb up ladder. Use telephone. Walk left. Slide down. Climb down ladder. Slide right. Slide up. Use wardrobe. Walk left. Slide up. Walk right. Use teleporter. Walk left. Use wardrobe. Walk left. Walk left. Slide dow. Call subway (upper) to go to Exit room. Go through the gate.

Mansion II: Room 402 (Thanks to Robin Jackson for providing the Gold solution)
Slide down. Walk right. Call subway (upper). Slide up. Walk left. Climb up ladder. Use telephone. Slide right. Use telephone. Climb down ladder. Walk right. Slide down. Walk left. Call subway (right). Slide up. Slide left. Slide up. Walk right. Use telephone. Climb down ladder. Slide right. Climb up ladder and go through gate.

CHEST: Light bulb

Mansion II: Room 403
Climb down ladder. Slide left. Walk left. Use telephone. Slide down. Slide right. Use telephone. Slide up. Walk right. Slide right. Slide up. Call subway (lower). Get candle and silver key. Unlock door on left. Climb down ladder. Move right twice. Use candle to light explosive and QUICKLY climb up ladder. Climb down ladder. Walk right. Get gold key. Walk left. Slide left twice. Climb up ladder. Call subway (upper). Slide down twice. Walk left. Slide up. Slide right. Slide up. Unlock door on the right and go through gate.

Mansion II: Room 404 (locked) Clear Mansion IV Level 1 to play
Call subway (lower). Use phone. Slide left twice. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Walk left. Slide up. Climb up ladder. Walk right. Get cellphone. Walk right twice. Use telephone. Slide down. Walk left. Slide left. Climb up ladder. Climb up ladder. Walk right twice. Use telephone. Slide right. Use telephone to return to upper level. Walk left. Call subway (upper). Slide down twice. Use cellphone (upper). Walk left. Slide down twice (now both subway stations are on the lower level). Call subway (lower). Get candle. Walk left twice. Slide left. Climb ladder. Climb ladder. Walk right. Slide right. Slide down. Walk right. Use phone to return to upper level. Slide left twice. (Now all tiles are in their correct gold positions.) Light explosive with candle and QUICKLY walk left. Walk right. Climb down ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion II: Room 405 (locked) Clear Mansion IV Level 1 to play
Slide right. Use telephone. Slide down. Walk left. Climb ladder. Slide right. Walk right. Get cellphone. Walk left. Slide left. Climb down ladder. Walk right. Slide up. Walk left. Climb down ladder. Slide right. Climb up ladder. Walk left. Slide down. Call subway (upper). Get gold key. Slide right. Climb up ladder. Walk left. Slide down. Walk left twice. Slide up. Walk right. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Unlock door on left and walk through. Get silver key. Walk right. Slide right. new: Climb up ladder. Walk left. Slide down. Call subway (right). Climb up ladder. Slide left. Walk left. Climb down ladder. Walk left. Call subway (lower). Slide up. Slide left. Use cellphone (upper target). Slide left. Slide down. Unlock door on the right and go through the gate. 


Mansion III: Room 101
Walk left. Pump water rightward. Climb down ladder. Get fishbowl. Climb up ladder. Use fishbowl. Walk right. Slide down. Walk left. Climb up ladder. Slide right. Climb down ladder. Walk left. Slide up. Climb up ladder and go through gate.

Mansion III: Room 102
Slide down. Slide left. Pump water here and QUICKLY climb up ladder. Slide right. Slide down. Use telephone. Walk right and go through gate.

CHEST: Lever

Mansion III: Room 103
Use wardrobe. Slide up. Walk left. Pump water leftward. Walk right. Slide down. Walk left. Get fishbowl. Use fishbowl. Walk left. Climb up ladder and go through gate.

Mansion III: Room 104
Slide down. Walk right. Climb up ladder. Slide left. Climb down ladder. Walk right. Slide up. Climb up ladder. Use telephone. Slide down. Use telephone. Climb down ladder. Walk left. Climb up ladder. Slide right. Climb down ladder. Walk left. Slide up. Slide left. Climb up ladder and go through gate.

Mansion III: Room 105
Slide left. Climb up ladder. Get candle. Walk right. Slide down. Pump water leftward. Slide up. Walk left. Use candle to light explosive and QUICKLY use wardrobe. Use wardrobe again. Walk right. Slide down. Climb down ladder. Walk left and go through the gate.

CHEST: Candle

Mansion III: Room 201
Pump water here and QUICKLY use wardrobe. Climb up the ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion III: Room 202
Slide right. Pump water here and QUICKLY use wardrobe (lower). Get fishbowl. Use fishbowl. Slide left twice. Use wardrobe (upper). Use wardrobe (upper). Use wardrobe (lower). Climb down ladder. Walk right and go through gate.

Mansion III: Room 203
Slide right. Climb up ladder. Slide left. Slide down. Walk right. Slide up. Climb up ladder. Get silver key. Slide left. Slide down. Walk right. Slide down. Unlock door on right. Get gold key. Use telephone. Get bronze key. Slide left. Unlock door on left. Slide up. Slide right. Unlock door on right and go through the gate.

Mansion III: Room 204
Slide left. Climb down ladder. Use telephone. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Pump water leftward. Climb down ladder. Get key. Walk left. Use telephone. Slide left. Walk down ladder. Slide right. Slide up. Walk left. Use telephone. Slide up. Climb up ladder. Use telephone. Slide right. Unlock door on right and go through the gate.

Mansion III: Room 205
Climb down ladder. Walk left. Slide up. Walk right. Climb down ladder. Slide down. Walk left. Slide up. Slide right. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Use wardrobe. Pump water here and QUICKLY use wardrobe. Slide right. Climb down ladder. Walk left. Get silver key. Walk right. Climb up ladder. Climb up ladder. Climb up ladder. Unlock door on right. Get gold key. Walk left. Climb down ladder. Climb down ladder. Climb down ladder. Walk left. Slide up. Walk right. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Climb up ladder. Walk right. Slide down. Unlock door on left and walk left. Climb up ladder. Slide right. Unlock door on right and go through the gate.

Mansion III: Room 301
Slide right. Slide down. Walk right. Climb ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion III: Room 302
Slide up. Slide left. Slide left. Slide right. Climb down ladder. Walk left and go through the gate.

Mansion III: Room 303
Slide down. Slide left. Slide down. Walk right. Use wardrobe. Get key. Slide up. Slide left. Unlock door on left and walk through the gate.

Mansion III: Room 304 (Locked – Play Mansion 4 Level 1 first)
Slide down. Climb down ladder. Get cellphone. Walk left. Slide left. Slide up. Use cellphone. Get candle. Slide right. Walk right. Climb down ladder. Climb down ladder. Slide left twice. Climb up ladder. Light explosive with candle and QUICKLY climb down ladder AND slide the room right. Once the room has detonated, slide back left. Climb up ladder. Walk right and go through the gate.

Mansion III: Room 305 (Locked – Play Mansion 4 Level 1 first)
Climb down ladder. Slide left. Walk left. Slide up. Walk right. Climb down ladder. Slide right twice. Slide up. Walk left. Slide down. Slide right. Slide left. Slide up. Walk all the way left. Slide down twice. Walk right. Use telephone (upper). Get key and cellphone. Slide up. Slide right. Use cellphone (upper). Slide right. Slide up. Use telephone (lower). Slide right twice. Unlock door on the right and go through the gate.

Mansion III: Room 401
Walk all the way right. Slide down. Walk left. Use telephone. Walk all the way right. Slide right. Climb down ladder. Walk left. Use telephone. Slide down. Walk right and go through the gate.

Mansion III: Room 402 (IMPERFECT)
Slide right. Slide right. Walk right. Slide right. Slide up. Walk left. Use wardrobe. Walk right. Slide down. Slide left twice. Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

CHEST: Dirty rag

Mansion III: Room 403
Slide left. Slide up. Walk right. Get candle. Walk left all the way. Use telephone. Slide left. Use telephone. Slide down. Use telephone. Slide right. Slide up. Climb up ladder. Walk left. Slide down. Climb down ladder. Use candle to light explosive and QUICKLY climb up ladder. Climb back down, and get the cellphone. Climb up the ladder. Slide up. Walk right. Climb down the ladder. Slide left. Climb up the ladder. Walk right. Slide down. Climb down the ladder. Slide left. Climb up the ladder. Walk right. Slide down. Use cellphone and select the upper target. Climb up the ladder. Slide right. Slide down. Walk left. Walk down the ladder. Walk left and go through the gate.

Mansion III: Room 404


Mansion IV: Room 101
Walk right. Get cellphone and key. Use cellphone. Slide left. Unlock door on left on go through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 102
Slide right. Use wardrobe. Walk right. Get cellphone. Use cellphone. Use wardrobe. Walk right and go through the gate.

CHEST: Bronze key

Mansion IV: Room 103
Use telephone. Slide up. Walk left. Get cellphone. Use cellphone (select lower target). Slide right. Use telephone. Walk left. Slide down. Slide left. Climb up the ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 104
Slide left. Climb up ladder. Use telephone. Walk left. Get cellphone. Slide up. Slide left. Use cellphone (select upper target. Slide left. Slide up. Use cellphone (select lower target). Climb down ladder. Slide all the way right. Climb up the ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 105
Slide right. Walk right. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Walk left. Slide up. Use telephone. Get cellphone. Slide left. Climb ladder. Walk left. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Climb up ladder. Use telephone. Slide left. Climb up ladder. Walk right. Slide down. Use cellphone (select lower target). Climb up ladder. Slide right. Walk right and go through the gate.

CHEST: Magnifying Glass

Mansion IV: Room 201
Get candle and cell phone. Slide right. Pump water rightward. Slide left. Slide down. Walk right. Use candle to light explosive and QUICKLY walk left. Walk right. Slide up. Slide left. Climb down ladder. Slide right. Walk right and go through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 202
Slide left. Pump water to "Here" and QUICKLY climb up the ladder. Pump water rightward. Use telephone. Get cellphone and key. Use telephone. Climb down ladder. Slide right. Use cellphone (select lower target). Slide down. Walk right. Pump water here and QUICKLY move left. Use telephone. Unlock door on right and go through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 203 (Thanks to Robin Jackson for providing the Gold solution)
Slide up. Use telephone. Get cellphone. Slide left. Use telephone. Walk left. Slide left. Slide down. Use cellphone (select upper target, the room with the phone on the far left). Slide right. Use telephone. Slide left. Pump water leftward (into the other room with a telephone). Slide right. Slide down. Walk left. Get fishbowl. Use fishbowl (keep it on until you exit, just to be safe). Slide up. Slide right. Climb down ladder. Use telephone. Slide right. Slide down. Use telephone. Climb up ladder. Slide left. Slide left. Slide left. Climb down ladder and go through the gate.

CHEST: Golden clock weight.

Mansion IV: Room 204 (Thanks to Robin Jackson for providing the Gold solution)
Slide left. Slide down. Walk left. Use telephone. Slide up. Slide right. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Slide up. Climb up ladder. Use telephone. Slide down. Slide left. Use telephone. Walk right. Slide down. Slide down. Slide down. Walk right. Get cellphone and key. Use cellphone (select lower target so you go to the higher room with the phone and ladder). Slide right. Slide down. Slide down. Walk right (using key). Climb up ladder. Climb up ladder. Get gold key. Slide left. Slide down. (All rooms are now in gold position.) Climb down ladder. Climb down ladder. Unlock door on left and go through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 205
Climb down ladder. Walk right. Slide up. Walk left. Climb down ladder. Slide right. Use wardrobe. Walk right. Use telephone. Slide down. Use telephone. Walk left. Climb down ladder. Get candle. Climb up ladder. Slide left. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Climb up ladder. Get key and cellphone. Use cellphone (lower). Slide up. Unlock door on left and walk through. Slide down. Walk left. Slide down twice. Walk left. Use telephone. Slide down. Walk left. Slide up. Walk left. slide down twice. Unlock door on right and walk through. Slide up. Slide left. Walk down ladder. Walk left. Use wardrobe. Walk right. Climb down ladder. Use wardrobe. Walk left. Use telephone. Slide up. Walk left. slide down twice. Light explosive with candle and QUICKLY walk left. walk all the way right and get the cellphone that was revealed by the explosion. Use cellphone (lower). Slide left. Slide down. Use telephone. Walk right. Use wardrobe. Climb up ladder. Now you have to reset the wardrobes for the gold solution. Walk left. Use wardrobe. You should hear the chime to say all tiles are in the correct positions. Walk right. Walk right. Climb down ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 301
Spin room (in either direction). Slide down. Walk right. Spin room (left arrow). Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 302
Climb up ladder. Get key. Slide up. Use telephone. Slide up. Spin clock (left arrow). Unlock door on left and walk through. Get cellphone. Slide down. Use cellphone (select lower target). Slide left. Spin clock (right arrow.) Climb ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 303
Get candle. Walk right. Slide down. Spin clock (right arrow). Walk right. Use wardrobe. Use candle to light explosive and QUICKLY walk left. Slide up. Spin clock (left arrow). Walk left. Climb down ladder. Slide right. Use wardrobe. Walk right. Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 304
Spin clock (left arrow). Walk right. Spin clock (right arrow). Climb up ladder. Slide up. Walk left. Use telephone. Walk right. Slide right. Climb up ladder. Slide left. Slide down. Walk right. Slide up. Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 305
Slide right. Slide down. Walk left. Spin clock (left arrow). Walk right. Slide up. Slide left. Climb down ladder. Slide right. Walk right. Use telephone. Get cellphone. Slide right. Use telephone. Slide up. Slide left. Climb down ladder. Slide right. Use cellphone (upper). Slide right. Use telephone. Slide right. Slide up. Use telephone. Climb down ladder. Slide all the way left. Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 401
Climb down ladder. Walk left. Get candle. Slide down. Walk right. Slide right. Spin clock (right arrow). Climb up ladder. Get cellphone. Use candle to light explosive and QUICKLY climb down ladder. Climb up ladder. Walk left. Slide down. Use cellphone. Slide down. Climb down ladder. Walk left. Slide up twice. Slide right. Walk right and go through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 402
Use wardrobe. Get candle. Use wardrobe. Slide down. Walk left. Slide up. Walk left. Slide down. Slide right. Spin clock (right arrow). Walk right. Slide up. Walk left. Light explosive with candle and QUICKLY walk right (make sure to walk all the way to the right of the room). Slide down. Use wardrobe. Walk right. Slide up. Slide left. Walk left. Slide left. Slide down. Walk right. Slide up. Walk right. Slide right. Slide down. Walk left. Use wardrobe. Walk left twice. Slide up. Walk right. Slide right. Slide down. Walk left. Slide up. Walk left. Slide down. Slide right. Walk right. Slide up. Walk left. Slide left. Slide down. Walk right. Slide up. Walk right. Slide down. Slide left. Walk left. Slide up. Use wardrobe. Walk right. Climb down ladder. Slide right. Walk right. Slide up. Slide left. Climb down ladder. Slide right twice. Climb up ladder and go through the gate.

CHEST: unknown liquid

Mansion IV: Room 403
Use wardrobe (upper). Get candle. Use wardrobe (upper). Get cellphone. Use cellphone. Slide up. Slide right. Climb up ladder. Spin clock (left arrow). Walk left and get the key. Walk all the way right. Light the explosive with the candle and QUICKLY walk left. Walk all the way right, unlock the door and walk through. Spin clock (right arrow). Walk right. Slide down. Slide left. Walk left. Spin clock (right arrow). Walk right. Slide down. Light explosive with candle and QUICKLY walk right. Walk all the way left and go through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 404
Slide down. Slide left. Spin clock (right arrow). Climb down ladder. Use telephone. Slide up. Walk left. Use wardrobe. Climb down ladder. Slide down. Walk right. Slide up. Slide left twice. Pump water leftward. Slide right twice. Climb up ladder. Use telephone. Walk right. Get key and fishbowl. Use fishbowl. Walk left. Climb up ladder. Slide right. Slide up. Unlock door on left and walk through the gate.

Mansion IV: Room 405
Slide right. Climb down ladder. Spin clock (left arrow). Walk left. Climb down ladder. Slide down. Spin clock (right arrow). Walk right. Climb up ladder. Walk right. Slide up. Walk all the way left (into the room with the wardrobe). Slide down. Walk right. Slide right. Climb down ladder. Get candle. Walk all the way left. Rotate clock (left arrow). Climb up ladder. Slide up twice. Walk right. Light explosive with candle and QUICKLY walk left. Walk all the way right. Get key. Use telephone. Slide up. Slide right. Slide up. Unlock door on left and walk through. Light explosive with candle and QUICKLY use wardrobe. Walk right. Unlock door on right and walk through. Slide down. Slide left twice. Slide down. Walk right. Slide up. Slide right. Slide up. Walk left. Slide down. Slide right. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Walk left. Slide up. Slide right. Slide up. Walk right. Climb up ladder. Walk right and use telephone. Walk right. Climb down ladder. Slide left. Walk left. Slide up. Walk right. Climb down ladder. Slide left twice. Slide up. Walk right twice and use telephone. Walk left twice and climb down ladder. Walk left. Rotate clock (right arrow). Climb down ladder. Walk right. Use telephone. Walk all the way left and go through the gate.

Items needed: Stumpy Hammer, Crispy Wood Chip, Stinky Wood Chip

  • Scroll your mouse to the left edge of the screen until a white
    arrow appears. Click on the white arrow to move to another part of the
  • Use the hammer on the sleeping chest to wake it up, then feed it one of the wood chips.
  • After it eats it will fall asleep again, so you must repeat the
    procedure to feet it the second wood chip (knock it on the head, then
    feed it).
  • The chest will burp out a golden puzzle piece. Take it to finish the level.

Items needed: silver key, electrical tape, new lightbulb

  • On Rooms Street, unlock the silver lock with the silver key to enter the subway.
  • While
    standing on the balcony, use the electrical tape on the sparking
    traffic light in the middle of the track to fix the sparks.
  • Use the new lightbulb on the traffic light to replace the green light.
  • Click on the traffic light to change the light to green, which will cause the subways to leave the station.
  • Click on either of the staircases to walk down to the lower platform
  • Click on the gold puzzle piece in the middle of the track to grab it.


  • Click on the large staircase to climb up to the second level of the lobby.
  • At the top of the staircase, you’ll see a rectangular shape on the wall. Use the Hand Lever on it to fix the switch.
  • Click on the switch and a second staircase will lower. Click on it to enter the attic.
  • The attic will be dark. In the lower left half of the screen, you can scroll the mouse around and see the silhouette of an unlit candelabra. Use the candle on it to light up the attic.
  • Use the broken mirror piece on the antique mirror. It will start screaming about spiders.
  • Use the candle to burn the three spider webs in the room.
  • Use the dirty rag on the bucket of water to get a clean wet rag.
  • Use the clean wet rag on the mirror to get the third puzzle piece.
  • Click on the large staircase to climb up to the second level of the lobby.
  • At the top of the staircase, you’ll see a rectangular shape on the wall. Use the Hand Lever on it to fix the switch.
  • Click on the switch and a second staircase will lower. Click on it to enter the attic.
  • The attic will be dark. In the lower left half of the screen, you can scroll the mouse around and see the silhouette of an unlit candelabra. Use the candle on it to light up the attic.
  • Use the broken mirror piece on the antique mirror. It will start screaming about spiders.
  • Use the candle to burn the three spider webs in the room.
  • Use the dirty rag on the bucket of water to get a clean wet rag.
  • Use the clean wet rag on the mirror to get the third puzzle piece.

Items needed: bronze key, golden clock weight, stumpy hammer, magnifying glass, unkown liquid, antique candle.

  • With the bronze key in your inventory, you’ll be able to unlock the door to the antique shop in Rooms Street and enter.
  • Use the golden clock weight on the clock to the left of the entrance. This triggers a cutscene where the book tells you to search for other gold clock pieces in the antiques store.
  • There are six small clocks in the room. Four are on the lower level: one is on the floor to the left of the ladder, and the other is underneath the lamp on the table to the right of the ladder. The third clock is mounted on the wall on the second floor above the ladder, and the fourth is a large clock in the middle of the bookshelf on the second floor.
  • Go around to each clock and do the following: use the hammer on the clock to smash it, then use the magnifying glass to examine the rubble. In one of the piles of rubble, you’ll find a rusty hour hand, which you should take.
  • Climb up the ladder to the second floor, scroll your mouse over to the right of the screen and click on the white arrow that appears to move to the next screen.
  • There’s another clock in the bookshelf here. Smash it and use the magnifying glass to reveal a rusty gear. Take the gear.
  • Climb down the ladder.
  • There is a large circular apparatus on the desk on the left-hand side. Use the unknown liquid on the apparatus to pour it inside. Then put the rusty gear and rusty hour hand into the apparatus. Finally, use the antique candle on the apparatus to light it.
  • Click on the apparatus to witness a transformation take place, then pick up the golden hour hand and golden gear from inside the apparatus.
  • Return to the large grandfather clock at the entrance, and use the gear and hour hand on it. Once you’ve fitted the new parts, click on the clock itself to get the fourth puzzle piece.

After you find the fourth puzzle piece, you’ll be transported back out to Rooms Street, where a new door will appear. You can go through the door at this point to end the game, or go back to the mansion to play more of the puzzles.

If you go through the door before finishing all puzzles in the game (including the optional ones), you’ll get the bad ending, where it turns out that the book has been tricking you all along. The book goes through the gate himself, leaving you trapped in the universe as your body takes the shape of a book and the cycle continues…

