Laura Jones and the Gates of Good and Evil Tips Walkthrough

Check out our strategy guide for Laura Jones and the Gates of Good and Evil. GENERAL TIPS You can double click on an item and it will go into inventory without having to drag it there yourself. Some items may not be available for you to click on until you've performed certain tasks. That's why at times they may be something that you see in the walkthrough that you need to pick up and can't. There will be question marks that appear throughout the game. You can use those q…

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a:1:i:0;a:2:s:13:”section_title”;s:47:”Laura Jones and the Gates of Good and Evil Tips”;s:12:”section_body”;s:45552:”Check out our strategy guide for Laura Jones and the Gates of Good and Evil.


  • You can double click on an item and it will go into inventory without having to drag it there yourself.
  • Some items may not be available for you to click on until you’ve performed certain tasks. That’s why at times they may be something that you see in the walkthrough that you need to pick up and can’t.
  • There will be question marks that appear throughout the game. You can use those question marks as hints. There are plenty of hints in this game if you find all the question marks. Most locations you visit have at least 2 of them.
  • If you decide to skip a mini-game you will be given an alternate game of seek-and-find as a substitute. If you decide that you do not want to complete that hidden object game you can click back and return to your original mini-game.
  • Once you’ve completed a mini-game, it will be available for you to play at any time from the main menu – just click on the post that says "mini-game" in order to access them.


SPOILER ALERT!!! The following section contains a walkthrough for all the LEVELs in Laura Jones and the Gates of Good and Evil. If you do not wish to know this information please stop reading now.


  • The University Guest House
  • Click on the lamps that are on the ceiling so you can see in the room.
  • Grab the book of matches from the table.
  • Grab the dog food that’s on the couch and put it in the dog bowl that’s in front of the fireplace.
  • Click on all the fruits in the bowl and a match will appear at the bottom.
  • Take the match and strike it against the matchbox in inventory.
  • Take the lit match and place it in the fireplace to start the fire.
  • The dog will then move towards the fireplace and will start eating.
  • Pick up the green medallion that is on the right side of the carpet.

Catch the Fish mini-game

  • In this game you need to catch and feed the fish to the cat. The cat will only eat the food that is shown on his sign.
  • The cat will purr at you when he gets the right fish but he’ll meow at you when you don’t.
  • If you take too long in between feedings you will notice that your progress meter will start to go down. The slower you are in catching the fish, the longer it will take you to complete the game.
  • Once the cat has eaten a certain amount of fish you’ll win the LEVEL.
  • The mini-game will also be accessible at the end of the game from the main menu.


  • Your goal is to open the safe.
  • Grab the key that is on the lower left side.
  • Pick up the coin that’s on the footstool that is on the floor.
  • Take the key from inventory and place it on the small cabinet that is on the lower right side.
  • Click inside the cabinet, a sign pops up that states the safe model number.It also says that you can use the manufacturer’s default code located under the protective layer.
  • Take the coin from inventory and scratch the bottom part of the note and the numbers 5428 show up.
  • Click on the safe that is next to the window on the right,type in 5428 on the keypad.
  • Click inside the safe and piece the photo back together.
  • Matching pieces will lock into place automatically

Find 15 paw prints in the room

  • Look at the screenshot for the location of all the paw prints.
  • They’re really more like hand prints even though the game calls them paw prints


  • Find the Differences
  • Please look at the screenshot and you will all the differences circled on there.


Find 30 balls

  • Look at the screenshot for the location of all the balls.
  • After you’re done finding the balls.A pop-up window with a football inside will appear.

Coded note

  • Take the knife that is on the table, lower right side and place it on the football. A key will appear inside of it, take the key.
  • Click on the backpack that is on the floor, next to the bed. The backpack will move aside.
  • Click under the bed, where the backpack was and a suitcase will come out from underneath.
  • Take the key and click it onto the backpack. Once the suitcase is open click on the contents and pick up the electronic key that is inside.
  • Grab the note that is on the far right side of the scene. It is in front of the black room divider.
  • Click on the lamp that is on the upper left side and a pop-up window will appear. Take the note and place it on the lampshade. The number 58 will appear, close the window out.
  • Click on the dresser that is next to the bed and a pop-up window will appear with 2 numbers on it and a slot above.
  • Take the electronic key and place it in the slot above the numbers.
  • Turn the top dial to the number 5 and the bottom dial to the number 8.
  • Pick up the green medallion that is inside the drawer.

Tangram mini-game

  • Place all the shapes that are scattered in the scene onto the shaded area in the middle.
  • Drag the pieces to the middle and rotate them by right clicking.
  • Once the shape is turned in the direction you need, left click it to drop onto the shaded area.
  • All pieces must fit perfectly inside, otherwise you will not be able to complete the puzzle.
  • Please look at the screenshots for the solution of all 3 puzzles.


Find Macmanis’ things

  • Click on the gray chair and it will move out of the way.
  • Click on the top drawer on the left and a pop-up window with some hamster food will appear inside.
  • Click the food onto the hamster wheel on the desk and the wheel will start spinning and the light bulb will turn on.
  • Click on the bottom drawer of the desk and the drawer will open up, pick up the screwdriver that is inside.
  • Click on the poster of Einstein and a metal plate will appear underneath. Take the screwdriver and place it on the screws to open the panel.

Cables and light bulbs

  • Click on the panel and rotate the cables and light bulbs so that all of the bulbs make contact with the electricity.
  • All the cables do not have to be connected. You just have to make sure that all the light bulbs are turned on.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the solution to this puzzle.

Collect all the suns and ships

  • Please look at the screenshot for the location of all the pieces. All the suns are circled and all the ships are in squares.


Collect all the items that you need to sneak around the lab

  • Shoes – (1) Under the small round table, (2) Inside the fireplace.
  • Pants – Lower right side, draped on the chair.
  • Belt – Lower right side, it is sticking out from under the cushions of the chair.
  • Once you click on the belt a pop-up window will appear. Pick up the knife and the flashlight that is inside. The pop-up window will disappear.
  • Glove – (1) Lower left side, lower shelf of the coffee table, (2) In the back of the scene, close to the door, on the floor.
  • Sweatshirt – It is a black sweatshirt that is on the couch, left side.
  • Rope – It is on the left side of the scene, on the banister.
  • Socks (1) Top left side of the stone above the fireplace, (2) On the lower left side, gray socks on the couch.
  • Shoulder Bag – Black bag that is on the top left side.
  • Pad of paper – Top right side, on the second shelf.
  • Pen – Lower left side, inside bowl.
  • Hat – Top right side of the fireplace.


The Chemistry Department Lab

  • The room is dark once you first enter the scene.
  • Look for the light switch on the right side of the scene and click on it. The lights will then turn on.
  • On the top right side of the screen there is a tile marked "108 Uno" – Place it on the periodic table of elements under the spot I marked as number "1"
  • On the lower right corner there is a tile marked "Fe 26" – Place it on the periodic table of elements under the spot I marked as number "2"
  • On the lower left side, on the floor by the cabinet there is a tile marked "cd 48" – Place it on the periodic table of elements under the spot I marked as number "3"
  • On the right edge of the scene, under the computer there is a tile marked " N 7" – Place it on the periodic table of elements under the spot I marked as number "4"
  • Click on the white lab coat on the right side of the scene and it will fall down.
  • Pick up the handle that is in front of the computer monitor (where the lab coat was) and place it on the second drawer, under the green counter.
  • Open the drawer and some slides will be inside.
  • Click in the drawer again and you will get a tile marked "Pb 82" – Place it on the periodic table of elements under the spot I marked as number "5"
  • On the periodic table the tile marked "Bk 97" is out of place, pick it up and place it on the periodic table of elements under the spot I marked as number "6"
  • Place the slide from inventory on the microscope. 10:35 shows up on the lens.
  • Look at the clock that is next to the periodic table and move the hands so that they read 10:35. A secret compartment will open up and a tile marked "Au 79" will be inside.
  • Place it on the periodic table of elements under the spot I marked as number "7"A secret compartment will open up on the top left side.
  • You need to click on the test tubes that are on the right edge of the scene.You will be taken to the chemistry game.

Chemistry Game

  • In this game your goal is to make the water clear by adding the right combination of liquids.
  • Each time you press the right color you will get a message that says "Interesting, the liquid became more transparent"
  • If it’s incorrect you will get a message that says" oops the liquid is dark again"
  • Each time you get the first message write down the bottle number for each correct sequence.
  • The solution is always the same. From left to right, the tubes are will be marked as 1 through 6.Click the bottles in the following order: 4-2-5-6-1
  • Get the key from the bottom of the bowl once it’s clear.
  • You will be taken back to the lab. Take the key and place it on the secret compartment that opened up on the top left side of the scene.
  • A letter and a green medallion will be inside, click on both of them.

Help the wild animals mini-game (shoot the apples)

Help the wild animals – Level 1

Help the wild animals – Level 2

Help the wild animals – Level 3

  • In this game you have to shoot all the apples out of the tree.
  • Place the sun in a position so that you can redirect the arrows that are coming out of the left side.
  • The waves around the sun affect where the arrows go.
  • Place the suns as shown in the screenshots for all 3 Levels of this game.


  • Collect all the coffee beans
  • Look at the screenshot for the location of all the coffee beans.

Faculty Kitchen

  • Your goal is to brew some coffee.
  • Take the hammer that is on the lower left side of the scene, under the ladder.
  • Pick up the handle for the coffee grinder and the nail inside the pot on the bottom edge of the scene.
  • Take the nail from inventory and place it on the ladder.
  • Then take the hammer and place it over the nail.
  • Click on the ladder and it will move to the right side of the scene.
  • Pick up the jar that is on the top right side of the scene. It is some cardamom for your coffee, place it in inventory.
  • Place the handle on the coffee grinder, then place the coffee beans on there as well and a pop-up window will appear. The beans have been freshly grounded.
  • Take the Turkish coffee pot from the island and place it in inventory.
  • From the inventory window drag the grounded coffee and click it over the coffee pot. Now take the cardamom and place it on the pot as well.
  • Click on the faucet and the water will turn on. Place the coffee pot over the water and then place it on the stove.
  • Take the coffee pot from the stove and place it on the red coffee cup.


Collect all the old documents

  • Please look at the screenshot for the location of all the documents.

Tape document

  • In this puzzle you have to drag the puzzle pieces in the correct position.
  • To make it easier start placing pieces together that look alike. Like the green lamp for example or parts of the desk.
  • Pieces will automatically lock into each other when correct.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the completed picture.


Piano Keys

  • Your goal is to find the entrance to the secret passageway.
  • Click on the lamp to turn it on, then click on the map on the wall and some piano type keys will appear at the edge of the desk.
  • You have to duplicate the key strokes.
  • I’ve labelled the keys from left to right 1-7.Press the keys in the following order to duplicate the sequences.
  • Sequence A) 2 -4 -3- 5. The shelf at the bottom opens up.
  • Sequence B) 1- 2- 4 -3- 5. The shelf in the middle opens up.
  • Sequence C) 1- 4- 3- 6 -5 – 7 -2. The shelf on top opens up.

Animal Placements

  • Take each animal from the shelves and place them on the map in their appropriate location.
  • Once an animal is in place it will stay in the locked position.
  • Place the animals on the map as shown one by one until all of them are in place.
  • Look at the screenshot for the placement of the animals.
  • Once they are in place a secret passageway will open up.


Secret Passageway Pt. 1

  • Get the stick that is on the lower left side and place it in inventory.
  • Get the rag that is on the lower left side.
  • Take the rag and place it over the stick in order to form a torch.
  • Dip the torch in the bucket of kerosene that is in the bottom right corner.
  • Click on the bottom right and move the rock, under the rock you will find a lighter, place it in inventory.
  • Take your torch and place it on the holder that is on the top left side of the scene.
  • Take the lighter and place it over the torch and the lights will come on.

Secret Passageway Pt. 2

  • Your goal is to hit the knobs in the correct sequence in order to open the door.
  • Once you click on a knob it will move some of the pieces around.
  • If you want to back out of a click just press that knob again and it will take you back to your last step.
  • Please look at the screenshot and hit the keys in the following order: 1 -3 -4 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -2. The door will now open, click on the screen to enter.

Secret Passageway Pt. 3

  • Please look at the screenshot. I’ve labelled all the statues from 1 to 5. Please follow the instructions below using this system.
  • Pick up the blue stone that is on the right of statue number 3.Place the blue stone on statue number 3.
  • Pick up the amethyst (purple) stone that is on the top left side and place it on the statue number 4.
  • Pick up the red stone in the lower right side of the scene and place it on statue number 5.
  • Pick up the green stone on the upper far right side and place it on statue number 1.
  • Pick up the yellow stone that is actually on the body of statue number 4 and place it on statue number 2.
  • Pick up the jug that is next to statue number 4 and place it under the waterfall and it will fill with water.
  • Take the filled jug and place it in the center of the room where the fire is taking place.
  • Click on the green medallion to pick it up.

Scales mini-game

  • In this game you must place the stones in such a way that it will balance the gems.
  • Some stones weigh more than others, you need to play with them and see which combination works best.
  • Please look at the screenshots for the correct placement of all the gems.
  • You will see certain parts of the scale start to sparkle, that means that those parts are balanced correctly.
  • You will have to balance the scales 3 times in order to complete this mini-game.


  • Look at the silhouettes on the right side of the screen and look for them throughout the main scene.
  • Your goal is to recreate the crest.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the location of all the pieces you still need.


The Words

  • In this puzzle you need to figure the word that the little girl is thinking.
  • You will be given some letters on top of the page, click on the ones that you think are in the word below.
  • You have 10 flowers at the bottom of the page. Each time you guess a letter incorrectly, one flower will be taken away.
  • Lose 10 flowers and you will be given a new word to figure out.
  • I would recommend starting with vowels first and then continue with other letters.
  • You have to guess 3 words in order to pass.
  • The solution for this puzzle is random. The words that I encountered while playing were Hydroponics, Greenhouse and Sprinkler.

Restore Garden

  • The first thing you have to do is pick up the flower pots that are hidden in the scene.
  • Look at the screenshot for the location of where everything is on the left side of the scene.
  • Pick up the ‘shovel head’ that is on the lower right side of the screen.
  • Click on the greenhouse that is on the left side and a pop-up window will appear. Pick up the missing page that is inside and 4 potted plants as well.
  • Click on the light blue shirt that is on the bench on the right side of the screen and a book will appear underneath. Click on the green book and a pop-up window will appear.
  • Click on the book several times in order to turn the pages. Once you get to the last page you will notice that a piece has been torn off of the page on the right.
  • Place the piece of paper from your inventory onto the open book and the picture will be completed. It shows you what the flowerbed is supposed to look like once its completed.
  • Pick up the handle for the shovel that is leaning against the greenhouse.
  • Click the handle onto the ‘shovel head’ and both pieces will merge.
  • Take the shovel and place it on the flowerbed to dig up some spaces for the potted plants.
  • You should have in inventory 15 potted plants.
  • Open the book on the bench and place the plants according to the drawing of the peacock.
  • If you’ve placed the flowers correctly, you’ll see: "This one looks good here"
  • If it’s not correct you’ll see a sign that says: "This doesn’t go there" and the plant will go back into inventory.
  • Click on the part of the bench where the bunny is sitting and you’ll find the faucet handle, place it on the faucet.
  • Click on the greenhouse and once you open it, pick up the scissors and the red duct tape.
  • Place the duct tape over the scissors and a small piece will be available.
  • Take the piece of duct tape and place it on the part of the hose that’s leaking.


  • Click on the chest and it will open up and it will have a special lock that you need to open.
  • Click on the arrows in order to move the pieces around.
  • Look at the pieces that are in the center, you need to line up the ones that are in the left and right positions. Place items there that are opposite of each other:
  • man and woman
  • sun and moon
  • fire and water
  • shield and sword
  • Once you place a correct set of opposites in the middle slots, one piece of the chest will be unlocked.In addition, the match that you made will go dark to let you know that you’ve already matched that piece.
  • Make 4 correct matches and the chest will be unlocked.
  • Pick up the green medallion from inside the box.


  • You have to take the yellow gears and place them in such a way that all gears will be spinning.
  • You will have to complete 3 different sets of these to move on.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the solutions to all 3.

Chemistry lab

  • Give the monkey what he wants.
  • On the computer monitor you will see an image of what the monkey wants at that particular time.
  • If you don’t give him what he wants he will not accept it.
  • The level will end once you’ve given the monkey all the fruits in the room.
  • When you’re done, he’ll throw the medallion at you and it will go into inventory.


  • You need to direct the wind so the ship avoids the reefs and the islands.
  • Before the ship begins to sail, position the wind stations beforehand so that the ship can navigate smoothly.
  • When you set up the wind stations correctly you will not have to move them at all.
  • This one can be tricky so please look at the screenshots to see how they should be arranged. The slightest movement can alter the direction of the ship.
  • If you’re not getting the result you want, switch the position very slightly until it looks like the picture.

Defeat evil spirits

  • You have to blow a fiery kiss so it gets past the evil spirits and warms Professor Gliss’ soul.
  • Each time you pass a kiss through you will advance one step further. Once your meter reaches 100 percent you will be able to move on.

Dream Catcher
– Professor Adams’ Bedroom

  • Make the spirit catcher to trap evil spirits.
  • Grab the knife that is on the chair in the right corner, by the curtains.
  • Click the knife onto the pillow in the bed that glimmers, this will cause the feathers to come out.
  • There’s a stool on the lower right corner, click on it and you’ll find the dream catcher, place the feathers in it and close it for the moment.
  • Click on the blue necklace that is on the right side of the headboard and place it in inventory for now.
  • Click on the blue hoop that is on the ceiling and double click it so it can go into inventory.
  • Click on the feathers that are on the top right edge of the door.
  • Grab the key that is on the top right side of the screen on the curtains and use it on the lower right side cabinet of the bookcase.
  • Once you open the drawer you will see 2 buttons and some scissors inside the drawer. Click on all three to place in inventory. Once all those pieces have been picked up the drawer will close itself.
  • Open the dream catcher and place all your inventory items in and you’ll see the dream catcher taking shape.
  • Grab the bell that is on the top right side of the bookcase and place it in the dream catcher.
  • Take your scissors and place them on the burgundy throw that sparkles on the bed and you’ll get some thread.
  • The spirit catcher is ready, now all you have to do is hang it from the chandelier on the ceiling.

Collect 17 skulls

  • Look at the screenshot for the location of all the skulls.


Courtyard overview:

Left door

  • Enter the door on the left.
  • Look on the left side and click on the pedestal that is closest to you, two small stands will appear on top.
  • Look on the right and click on the pedestal that is closest to you, a statue will appear.
  • Grab the second medallion from the top that is in your inventory.
  • Now look at all the pedestals that are on the right hand side. You want to place the medallion that you just picked up in the one in the middle.
  • A heart shaped artifact will show up on the pedestal that is closest to the door on the left side. Place it in inventory by clicking on it.
  • Exit out of there for now by going through the door which will take you back out to the courtyard.
  • You will now go into the door in the middle.

Middle door

  • Look on the left, click on the pedestal that is closest to you. Look on the right, click on the pedestal that is closest to you as well. You will notice that some golden plaques came out of both of them.
  • Click on the pedestal that is closest to you on the right side and a pop-up window will appear. Place the heart-shaped artifact in the pop-up window. Exit out of the pop-up window.
  • If you look on the right side, there are 3 pedestals and what looks like doors above it. There’s something on the door in the middle , click on it and a gold mask will go into inventory.
  • Go out to the courtyard.


  • Since you have so many items in inventory you need to drop something off.
  • Click on the structure of stones that is in the middle of the scene. You will get a closer view, just place the gold mask on one of the stones and exit out by clicking on the steps in back of the scene.
  • Once you’re in the courtyard go to the door on the left again

Left door

  • When you enter the left door, there is a gold mask on the far right side of the scene (close to the door). Click on the mask and it will go into inventory.
  • Go back to the courtyard and place it in one of the spots on the rocks.. Exit out of there and go back to the door in the middle.

Middle door

  • Now look on your left side, above the door that is closest to you there is something that sparkles once your cursor moves over it. It’s a golden mask. Pick it up and take it to the courtyard.


  • Take the mask and place it on the stones in the middle of the scene and exit out. Exit out of there and go back to the middle door.

Middle door

  • Staying on the right side, place the third medallion that is in inventory and place it on the pedestal that is in the middle.
  • Go back outside and enter the door on the right.

Right door

  • Look on your right side. The pedestal closest to the door has an artifact on it – a gold crown. Click on it to take it into inventory.
  • Now look on the left side. The pedestal closest to you has 3 golden masks, you can only fit one into inventory, take it and go back outside.


  • Take the golden mask from your inventory and place it on the stones in the center of the courtyard. Do not place the golden crown there, just the mask.
  • Exit out of there for now. Go back to the door on the left.

Left door/Courtyard

  • Go to the door on the left.
  • Pick up the mask that is above the exit door.
  • Go back to the courtyard and place that golden mask on the stones outside. Exit out of there and go to the door on the left.

Left door/Courtyard Pt. 2

  • Once you’re in, look on your left side. There’s a mask above the left side of the scene. It is in between the 2ND and 3rd pedestal.
  • Take it and go outside to the courtyard and drop it on the stones in the middle.
  • Go back to the door on the left.

Left door

  • Look on your right, place the golden crown from inventory on the pedestal closest to you. Click on the face of the statue and then click the crown on. A light will appear above the door of that pedestal.
  • Go back outside and go to the door on the right.

Right door/Courtyard

  • Look on your left side, pick up the 2 golden masks that are on the pedestal closest to you. Go back out to the courtyard and drop the heads off.

Right door

  • Look on the left side. The pedestal in the middle has a place for a green medallion.Take the 4th green medallion from inventory and place it there.
  • A hammer will appear on the middle pedestal that is on the right side.
  • Go outside and go into the middle door.

Middle door

  • Look on the left side, click on the pedestal that is closest to you and a pop-up window will appear.
  • Place the hammer on the guys arm and he’s going to break it. The broken hammer will go back into inventory.
  • Exit out of there and go to the left door.

Left door

  • Look on the left side, the pedestal in the middle has a space for a green artifact.
  • Place the first artifact from inventory and place it there.
  • Exit out of there and go to the door on the right.

Right door

  • Look on the left side, the pedestal closest to the door has something on it, click on it to see. A pop-up window will appear.
  • Place the broken hammer inside its mouth and then click on the silver button that is below.
  • The hammer will be repaired. Click on the hammer to put it in inventory, X out of the pop-up window. Go to the courtyard and enter the door in the middle.

Middle door/Courtyard

  • Look on the left and click on the pedestal that is closest to you.
  • Place the hammer in the pop-up window.
  • Look at the top right side of the exit door, there’s a golden mask there, take it.
  • Go to the courtyard and place it on the stones.
  • Go to the door on the right.

Right door

  • Look on the right side, there’s a space for a medallion on the pedestal closest to you. Place the 5th medallion from inventory called "talent" on it. Exit out and go to the door in the middle

Middle door

  • Look on your right side, there’s a cylinder on the pedestal closest to the door. Take it and place it in inventory.
  • Exit and go to the door on the left.

Left door

  • Look on the left side, place the cylinder on the pedestal closest to you and some music will start playing.
  • Go to the door in the middle.

Middle door

  • Look on your left side, there’s a space for the medallion on the pedestal in the middle.
  • Exit out and go to the door on the left.

Left door

  • Look on the right, there’s a big golden coin on the pedestal that is closest to the dor. Pick it up – it is a disc with instructions. Go to the courtyard and click on the stone structure in the middle.


  • Place the large golden stone in the middle of the structure
  • Now you have to duplicate the picture you see in the middle that pops up.
  • Take 5 pieces out and place them into inventory so you can have room to move around.
  • Once you’ve matched them all up the game will end.
