Idle Human Beginner’s Guide: Tips, Cheats, and Strategies

Idle Human is an odd, yet strangely addictive experience. You have to recreate the entire human body, from the skeletal structure to the organs and skin. You achieve that by tapping to create DNA then turning it into whichever type …

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Idle Human is an odd, yet strangely addictive experience. You have to recreate the entire human body, from the skeletal structure to the organs and skin. You achieve that by tapping to create DNA then turning it into whichever type of body part you need in that moment.

In this guide, we’re going to help you create your human as quickly as possible, by providing a bunch of tips and tricks that helped us while we were playing. You won’t literally be God by the time we’re finished, but you’ll be pretty darn close.

Idle Human Beginner’s Guide – How it Works:

Idle Human challenges you to literally create a human person from DNA. You’ll tap to generate DNA then spend it on the skeletal structure, organs, skin – whatever you need in that particular moment. As this is an idle game, you’ll spend a lot of time tapping on stuff to progress.

Fortunately, there are a number of different upgrades you can collect to make your life easier. You can increase the DNA you receive from body parts and increase the amount of DNA you create while you’re offline.

You can also watch ads to get a number of different boosters, from doubling the DNA you earn temporarily to speeding up time – all of them will help you build your human much faster.

Idle Human Tips and Tricks:

Now that you understand the basics, let’s take a look at a few more specific tips and tricks that helped us progress a lot faster:

  • Build the parts in sequence: We found it easier to focus on building the body parts in sequence, starting with the skeletal structure and working our way up through the organs, control centre, and protection. We’d build the cheapest thing in each area first then move onto the second cheapest.
  • Max out the upgrades for the part you’re currently building: If you’re building leg bones, go into upgrades and max out the leg bone upgrade. This will maximise the amount of DNA you earn from leg bones, allowing you to progress much faster. Upgrades are also super cheap compared to new leg bone parts, so it pays to upgrade these first.
  • Build stuff in 200x: To limit the amount you’re tapping, we recommend switching the number of parts you create at once to 200x. It just makes sense this way, as you become much more of a manager of the process versus getting stuck in and tapping over and over. Also, this gives you the downtime you need to do this next tip.
  • Watch an ad to get a booster whenever you’re short on cash: Whenever you can’t afford the next 200 upgrades, we recommend watching an ad to time travel or get a speed booster. Time travel is the more lucrative of the two, but it’s not always possible. If you can’t watch an ad to boost your time travel, watch an ad to boost the speed instead.
  • Spend your gems on speed boosters and time travel: As you progress, you’ll receive gems for free. We recommend spending these on the speed booster to keep it topped up, as it’s cheap, then watch ads to time travel, which is more costly using gems. It’s up to you though – you could also save up your gems for the more expensive time travel options, though you’ll spend a lot more time waiting.

Head of Editorial
Glen has over a decade's worth of experience in gaming journalism, writing for Pocket Gamer, Pocket Tactics, Nintendo Life, and Gfinity. When he's not badgering everyone about the dangers of passive text, you can probably find him playing Wild Rift.