GodFinger Walkthrough

GodFinger is a simulation game developed by ngmoco games for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch where you are the Supreme Ruler of a virtual planet where all the inhabitants worship and work for you while you in turn take care of them. Gamezebo’s GodFinger strategy guide and walkthrough will provide you with a quick start guide, tips and tricks, hints and cheats on how to win.

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GodFinger – Game Introduction

GodFinger is a simulation game developed by ngmoco games for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch where you are the Supreme Ruler of a virtual planet where all the inhabitants worship and work for you while you in turn take care of them. With the tap of your finger you can, grow vegetation, control the sun and rain, place buildings for your followers to work in to make Gold which you can use to purchase more items. Awe and Mana allows you to be a kind, merciful ruler, or have them tremble in fear as you destroy everything and start your World over again. Play with your Plus+ and Facebook friends and become a supreme Ruler. Gamezebo’s GodFinger strategy guide and walkthrough will provide you with a quick start guide, tips and tricks, hints and cheats on how to win.

Quick Start Guide

Getting Started

  • GodFinger is a free application developed by ngmoco games and is free of charge.
  • You can find the link to download the game at the top of this page.
  • If you have a Plus+ Account you will need to log in or you will need to register for an account.
  • Anyone that is your friend through your Plus+ account will automatically be on your friend list though any Plus+ game.
  • You can invite additional Plus+ friends via the friend feature at the top of the page.
  • GodFinger also allows you to post your accomplishments on your Facebook and or twitter pages.
  • If you log into your Facebook account when you reach special accomplishments or level up an image will be taken and placed in a special photo album in your Facebook account as well as appearing on your Profile page and live feeds for neighbors to see.
  • Once every 24 hours that you log into the game you will receive a daily reward of coins and a free gift you can choose to send to a friend.



  • The game has 50 levels and several goals per level.
  • If you tap on “Goals” at the lower left corner, then you will see a list of goals. Tap on one of them to see what you need to do to complete the goal and earn and XP bonus. Following down the list of goals is a great way to level up fast.
  • Use your finger to scroll down the page.
  • As soon as a goal is completed it will move down to the completed list and new goals will appear at the top of the list.
  • Each goal is explained to you in more detail if you tap on it once again.
  • Once a goal is completed you will be given an XP award immediately and notified that the goal is completed.

Building Your Planet/Uses of Gold, Mana, Wonders and Awe.


  • When you start the game you are given a planet that you will be able to manipulate in many different ways as you level up, unlock and purchase items that give you more power.
  • Wonders/Mana – A Wonder is a miracle that is performed on your planet to change it in some way or to make a follower happy. To perform a Wonder you must pay for it with Mana. When you start the game there will be one person on your planet and he or she will have an immediate need such as rain. The game will show you how to give rain to this person. (It is also explained in more detail below) Once you perform a wonder for a person they will become very happy with you and willing to follow you and do whatever you wish.
  • NOTE – You will earn 1 XP for each Mana you use in the game.
  • Until you reach level 14 one wonder will cost you 1 Mana and then more wonders will unlock that will cost you more than 1 Mana to perform. Mana regenerates and if you wish to speed up the rate it regenerates place followers at your Shrine and they will run around it decreasing the regeneration time. You can also purchase Mana in the Store if you choose.
  • Awe – Awe is what is used to give your people energy. If a person becomes exhausted while working for you, you can can tap on them then on the menu above them (aka “Tooltip”) and you can give them 4 Awe to replenish their energy. You can also use it to power up buildings if you are out of Mana, or generate a stack of Gold if you need it instantly.
  • NOTE – You do not have to use Awe to energize your people instead you can purchase items that will allow them to relax such as tents, fire pits, fountains, etc. These are found in the store under the category tab with the heart and are well worth the money.
  • TIP – Purchase a few of the 50 Gold coin items to relax your followers and save your Awe for bigger purchases later in the game.
  • Gold – This is the main currency of the game and what your followers will make for you as they work in the different buildings you place them in. “Superfollowers” (Followers with Stars over their heads make even more Gold and if they are Enchanted by a neighbor will make twice as much.) Simply tap on a stack of gold to collect it.
  • NOTE – If you do not collect the Gold on time it will turn to rust so be sure to come back into the game frequently to collect gold and check on your followers.
  • You have a store that lets you purchase items from different categories. When you purchase buildings most of them come with an additional person to add to your planet.
  • Awe, Gold and Mana can all be purchased in the store using real cash via your device.
  • You can also purchase things to help your people rest when they become exhausted.
  • It is your responsibility to watch over your people, build them a beautiful place to live and work, rest and play.
  • If you follow the goals laid out for you successfully you will earn XP (Experience Points) quickly which will help you level up faster. Leveling up also gives you an additional person and increases the physical size of your planet as well as unlocking more wonders and items you can purchase.
  • You will notice when you start the game your planet is brown and dry. As you perform wonders it will become lush with vegetation and beautiful flowers.
  • As you level up you will be able to raise the earth and make hills and lower the earth and fill it with water to make ponds and oceans.
  • Each building you purchase will have a requirement. I will need either sun or rain to power it and it will have a certain number of people required to build it. It could take several minutes or hours to build. Simply tap on a building to see its requirements.

Collecting Gold Stacks


  • Your followers will work at various farms and buildings for you throughout the game. Some buildings will need to be powered by sunlight and some by rain. If you don’t have the Mana to provide the power you can also use Awe to power a building.
  • Once the building is powered energized followers will work in the building for you.
  • Tap on the building to see how many workers can work there and how much gold it will earn for you and at what intervals.
  • Once you have earned the gold it will appear in gold stacks coming up from the ground.
  • Tap on the stack to collect the gold. You will see a grand total of your gold at the bottom of the screen at all times. When you collect gold stacks you will also collect XP for the work done.
  • NOTE – If you forget to claim your gold it will turn to rust and you will lose all investments and energy of the workers.
  • Once you claim the gold you will need to perform another wonder or spend awe to power the building and start the process over again.
  • As you level up it will take longer to earn larger amounts of gold.
  • TIP – If you are going to be away from the game a long time it is best to put all of your people in resting areas until you can be active in the game again. It takes a while to unlock buildings that take hours to earn gold and most take a max of 10 to 20 minutes until you get past level 15.

Leveling up/Using the Sacred Rune


  • Each time you level up you will see a sacred rune come up from the ground. Place your finger on it to see what the level has unlocked for you. You will be able to perform a new wonder or unlock a special feature in the game.
  • Each time you do this your planet increases in size as well.
  • There are currently 50 levels in the game and each level will unlock new goals, new wonders, new items for purchase and change the amount of time Mana regenerates for you on its own or when you place followers at the shrine.

Moving People/Using the “Tooltip Tool”


  • Tap on a person and you will see a meter above them also known as the “Tooltip Tool”.
  • This meter will tell you how happy your person is and how much energy they have.
  • Tap on the arrow at the top right corner of this menu and you will see a detailed description of each person such as when they were born.
  • You can also pay Awe to fully restore their energy if you would like to do so instantly.
  • Tap on the button to name this person after one of your friends in your friend list if you choose.
  • A star over a worker’s head means they are “Superfollowers” and will earn you and your Neighbors twice as much gold.


  • Moving a person to a new location – To move a person from one location to another tap on a person and hold your finger down on the device and lift it up to pick up the person moving your finger across the sky left or right will move the person around the outer circumference of your planet. If you want the person to work on a building drop them on a construction site. IF you want them to rest drop them on a resting item.
  • Moving more than one person at once – You can tap on one person and hold them up in the air to move them if you drag that person onto another person both will lift up and you can move them both together.
  • Be sure to check on your people several times a day to collect the gold they are earning and check if they need to rest. If you do this your will have a thriving planet filled with people that will work hard for you in no time.
  • NOTE – There is a maximum amount of Mana, Awe, and people you can have at the start of the game but as you level up this maximum increases along with the physical size of your planet.

How to Perform Wonders using Mana


  • Wonders are like Miracles that you perform that make your people happy. In order to perform a wonder you must have “Mana”
  • Mana regenerates over time at the rate of 1 every few minutes. (The amount of time changes as you level up) and if you look at the bottom center of the screen you will see the countdown clock which when it reaches zero you will have earned 1 more Mana. At the bottom left you will see how many Mana you have out of the possible maximum.
  • NOTE – This maximum amount of Mana you can have overall increases the longer you play the game and with each time you level up.
  • Each wonder you perform costs you at least 1 Mana but as you level up more wonders will be available that will cost several Mana to perform.
  • The first wonder you will learn to perform is making rain.
  • Making Rain – To make rain look for a white cloud over your planet. Place your finger on it and drag it over the area you wish for it to rain. (The first time it will be over the little person who is parched and has a little thought bubble with many dashes in it) Hold your finger on the could until you see little electrical charge build up it only takes a second or two. Then without removing your finger drag your finger down from the area to the area you want it to rain on. You should immediately see rain for a a few moments and a meter under the person filling up.
  • NOTE – If you make it rain over the land grass, trees, and plant will grow in that area.
  • Making Sun – To make sun drag the sun over the item that needs sunlight. (This is a sun icon over your people or buildings) Hold your fingertip on the sun til it charges and when it is done drag your finger from the sun down to the area you wish the sun to cover.
  • NOTE – Sun over the land will cause plants and colorful flowers to grow.
  • Placing rain or sun over a building (The building will tell you what it needs) will cause the people to work at the building and earn gold for you.
  • Once they have worked as long as possible. (Tap on them to see how long it will take) you will see a pile of gold next to the building. Tap on the gold to add it to your grand total.
  • Lightning – Move the dark cloud over the area you wish to strike with lightning and using the same method as sun and rain hold you finger on it until it charges up then without lifting your finger flick it down toward the object you wish to strike.
  • NOTE – Lightning destroys whatever it touches. Use lightning to destroy Skeleton Critters before they hurt your followers. You can also zap your followers if you want but it will just make them unhappy it will not kill them. You can use lightning to knock rock away as well.
  • Terraform – This allows you to raise or lower the ground to make the planet rounded out or to lower it for a small hill.
  • Flood – After you lower the ground place a white cloud and rain into the lowered area and it will fill up with water. Now when you place a person next to it they will fish and this relaxes them and fills up their happiness meter.
  • Super Terraform – Now you can make super high hills on your planet instead of lifting the ground up a small amount. To use Super Terraform it will cost you 2 manna instead of 1. Hold your finger on the land until it pings 2 times. You will see the Super Terraform notice. Lift up with your finger and build the hill on your planet.
  • Fire Storm – A firestorm can be used to burn Monsters and other items you wish to destroy. To use the Firestorm you will need to pay 2 Mana. Hold your finger over the sun until it charges twice and then drag your finger down town the area you wish to catch on fire. Note – Be sure Followers are out of the way when using this Wonder as they can catch on fire and die and you will need to use more wonders to get them back.
  • Resurrection – This wonder can be used if one of your followers die. They can drown if placed in a pond or they can be killed with fire if the Firestorm wonder is used and several other ways as more levels unlock items. When followers die a tombstone will appear in the location they died. (Tombstones will be under the water if a follower drowns.) Place your finger over the tombstone until it charges and the follower will be resurrected but note that they will be completely out of energy and will need to be placed in a relaxation area to regenerate right away.
  • NOTE –As the game progresses even more Wonders will become available and the game will show you how to do them but they are all basically hold your finger down until the area charges or “Pings” then drag your finger to the area you wish to affect. Be sure to note how much Mana it costs to perform a wonder once you are at level 14 or above as that is when it starts to cost more to perform them.

How to visit your Neighbor’s Planets and send Enchantments to their Followers


  • To visit your Neighbors you will need to place your thumb and pointing finger on the outer edges of the land and pinch them together. This will cause your planet to become smaller. Doing this a few times will zoom the view out and you will be able to see the planets of your Neighbors rotating around yours.
  • NOTE – Your planet is always in the center. When you see the screen such as the image above always tap on the center planet to get back home.
  • To visit a Neighbor tap on their planet.
  • Once you are there use your finger to drag across the sky to move it right or left.


  • You will see their followers and many of them will have a message above them that says, “Enchant Me” If you tap on them and then on their “Tooltip” you can tap on the Halo icon to Enchant them. This will cause the follower to make gold for you and for their God at a much higher rate.
  • NOTE – Your Neighbor must approve of the Enchantment before it goes into effect.
  • Once they approve you will receive notification via a mailbox that will appear when you enter the game. Tap on the mailbox in the lower right hand corner. Once you read the message you will not be able to access your mailbox again until there is new mail.



  • You have completed the basic game play guide for GodFinger for iPhone, iPad and the iPod touch by ngmoco games. Be sure to check back often for game updates, Staff and user reviews, user tips, forum comments and much more here at Gamezebo!