Broken Sword 5 – The Serpent’s Curse: Episode 1 Walkthrough

Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse is a point-and-click adventure game developed by Revolution Software.  In this game, you take on the role of George and Nico as they investigate a murder, a stolen painting, and a strange cover-up across Europe.  Gamezebo’s walkthrough will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

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Game Introduction – Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse – Episode 1

Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse is a point-and-click adventure game developed by Revolution Software.  In this game, you take on the role of George and Nico as they investigate a murder, a stolen painting, and a strange cover-up across Europe.  Gamezebo’s walkthrough will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game.

Game Tips

Interacting with the World

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Broken Sword 5 is a classic point-and-click adventure game with modern updates.  Most of your time in the game will be spent exploring a variety of scenes, searching for items and clues, and talking with other characters to learn more. 
  • To move around a scene, simply place your cursor over an area and left-click.
  • To interact with an area, item, or person, place your cursor over the object in question and left-click.  Right-clicking will examine/look at the object instead.
  • The mouse cursor is contextual in Broken Sword 5 and will change to represent what you can do with an object.  An eye means you can look at it, usually noticing more details.  A hand means you can pick it up.  Gears mean you can interact with it (like a door that can be opened).  A magnifying glass means you can examine it more closely, which will send you to a different screen that shows the area/object more clearly. 
  • Objects only have one available interaction, but these may change over the course of the game (e.g., a door that was previously locked and only examinable will become open and interactive).


Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Items that you pick up will automatically be added to your inventory.
  • While playing with UI: Modern, a blue bag will be visible in the bottom-left corner of the game screen.  Clicking on this will open your inventory.  Clicking outside the inventory box will exit the inventory.
  • While playing with UI: Classic, the inventory will automatically open when you hover near the bottom of the screen and close when you hover away from the inventory box.
  • To use an item, left-click on it in the inventory and drag it to the object or area of the scene you want to use it on.  Then left-click when the game acknowledges that the two items will be combined—the item will be highlighted in yellow and “+” the object in question will appear.
  • To combine two items, left-click on one item in your inventory and then drag it to the other item in your inventory.  The same combination acknowledgement will appear.
  • Note: Grayed-out items in your inventory cannot even be attempted to be combined.  Although not all colored-in items can combine successfully, the game removes many combination options to prevent random guessing.
  • If you pick up an item from you inventory you don’t wish to use, just drag it to a non-interactive area of the scene and left-click.  It will return to your inventory.
  • To examine an item in your inventory, right-click on it.

Menu, Options, and Hints

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • To access the menu while playing, hover over the top edge of the screen.
  • Main Menu returns you to the main menu where you can change game options or exit.  You can also access save or restore from here.
  • Hints provides a reminder of what you’re currently doing, as well as a number of hints you can choose to uncover for added help on a puzzle.
  • Achievements shows you you’re earned achievements.
  • Save menu lets you save your game (Broken Sword 5 also autosaves fairly regularly).
  • Restore menu lets you load a past game (you can save up to eight separate slots per profile, plus the autosave).
  • To change your UI from classic or modern, go to the main menu, options, and then select “visual settings.”
  • To turn hints on or off, go to the main menu, options, and then “game settings.”  Note: even with hints turned on, you can choose to never use them since they are completely manual.
  • Note: many conversations and interactions in Broken Sword 5 require you to have done some sleuthing beforehand.  You can only ask about an item or event if you know about it.  If you feel lost or are unable to get someone to talk about a certain item, be sure to examine more of the area around you.

Part 1

Overview: We see an attack on a villa in Catalonia, Spain in 1937.  Two men are killed over a painting, “La MaledicciĂł.”  Back in the present day, George is working as an art insurer in a gallery in Paris that is exhibiting this same painting.  A robber runs in, steals “La MaledicciĂł,” and shoots and kills the gallery owner.  Having insured the exhibit and that painting, George must solve this crime and enlists the help of his old friend Nico to do so.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the place where the stolen painting was hanging.  You’ll enter a close-up view.
  • Push any of the pressure pads and then the red button for the speaker to find they are working.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Open the door and investigate the cut wires near the top of the electrical box.  This is a clue to solving the murder.  Exit the close-up via the blue arrow in the bottom-right corner.
  • Speak to the priest.  He claims this is the work of the devil and moves away from Henri’s body.
  • Examine Henri’s body.  You’ll enter a close-up.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Look at the crumpled note under Henri’s hand.  It reads “2:30 PM Be Ready,” which is exactly when the robbery took place.
  • Take the EAU DE TOILETTE purple bottle from Henri’s jacket.  It’s a cologne that supposedly “wakes the beast within.”  Exit the close-up view.
  • Speak to (examine) Laine, who’s passed out to the right of Henri.  You’ll enter a close-up view.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine Laine’s jacket to move it aside and reveal a pair of nail clippers.  Take the NAIL CLIPPERS.
  • Use the EAU DE TOILETTE on Laine to wake him up.  You’ll exit the close-up as he stands up.
  • Speak to Laine.  He requests something to eat.
  • Examine the pizza box on the table near the priest.  George opens it to reveal a single slice of pizza.
  • Use PIZZA SLICE on Laine.  He begrudgingly accepts.
  • Speak to Laine again to ask him a few questions.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • The question box appears.  It displays potential topics as visual icons.
  • Ask about “Henri.”  George learns that Laine was involved with the gallery and should know the door code.
  • Ask about “keypad.”  Laine does know the code but refuses to share it before the police arrive.  George decides to “turn the heat up” on him.
  • Speak to Laine again.  He tells Laine he’ll be the prime suspect in this case, and Laine demands some evidence of this accusation.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Select “cut wire.”  George accuses Laine of cutting the wire and Laine asks how he could have done so.
  • Select “nail clippers.” 
  • Select “movements.”  Laine claims he was out of town for several days. 
  • Speak to Laine again.  How could he have cut the wire while out of town?
  • Exit the gallery through the front door.  You’ll be on a brightly lit street.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Head to the left; there’s a cafĂ© here.  Speak to the waiter.
  • Ask about “Henri.”  The waiter mentions Henri hardly came to the cafĂ©, unlike Laine.  This opens up “Laine” as a discussion topic.
  • Ask about “Laine.”  The waiter says Laine was at the cafĂ© last night and snuck out without paying the bill.  He gives you LAINE’S DRINKS BILL.
  • Return to the gallery and speak to Laine.
  • Select “Laine’s Drinks Bill” as the topic.  Laine gives George the code to the door.
  • George rushes over to the door and tries to input the code but the police arrive moments later and lock down the gallery.
  • You’ll now be in control of Nico, who is outside and needs to get back into the gallery.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Speak to Sergeant Moue.  Ask about “Navet.”
  • Ask about “Navet” a second time to unlock “Tiredness.”
  • Ask about “Tiredness.”  Nico offers Moue a hot drink, but he refuses because of the last “incident.”
  • Ask about “Incident” and then exit the conversation.  We need to get a hot drink for Moue.
  • Head left to the cafĂ© and speak to the waiter.  (Note: there won’t be a mouth symbol this time, but click on him anyway.)
  • He complains about his usual patrons and claims to be closed. 
  • Use your PRESS CARD on the waiter.  He recognizes your paper and that you are not who he assumed.
  • Speak to the waiter again.  This time he’ll have topics available.
  • Select “coffee.”  He’ll give Nico a cup of espresso and a new topic opens up.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Select “takeaway coffee.”  The waiter will give you TAKEAWAY COFFEE.
  • Return to the gallery.  Use TAKEAWAY COFFEE on Moue.
  • Nico will convince him to drink it and he’ll run away for a bathroom break.  Nico enters the gallery immediately.
  • Inside, George is having trouble getting into the office.  He needs Nico to distract Navet.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Select “CCTV footage.”  Navet mentions that he prefers to use bodily evidence for investigations.
  • Nico needs some new evidence to distract him with, “the bloodier the better.”
  • Use the pizza box on the floor; Nico picks it up and puts it on the table. 
  • Examine the tomato stain to enter a close-up.
  • Use the tomato sauce; Nico spreads it out to look like a blood stain.  But she needs to remove the chewing gum to make it look authentic.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use PRESS CARD on the chewing gum.  Nico removes the gum and now has PRESS CARD WITH CHEWING GUM.
  • Exit the close-up and speak to Navet again.  Select “blood stain.” 
  • Navet goes to investigate the pizza blood stain and George slips into the office.  He calls his boss, who chews him out for losing an insured painting.  After the call, you’re in control of George again.
  • Examine the CCTV system to enter a close-up view.  It requires a 4-digit passcode, different than the door code.  Exit the close-up.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the calendar above Henri’s desk.  A specific date is circled: May 27th
  • Return to the CCTV system and use the keypad.  Enter 0527.  The passcode is accepted and the video appears.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine Henri and “La MaledicciĂł” in the video.
  • Press the “next frame” button.  You’ll see George and Nico examining the painting.
  • Press the “next frame” button again.  It’s a shot of “La MaledicciĂł” by itself.
  • Press “next frame” again.  This shows the killer stealing the painting.
  • Press “next frame” again.  This shows the killer shooting Henri.  Examine the thief to see some blurry writing on his helmet.
  • Press “next frame” again.  His helmet is more visible now. 

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the thief in the video to read his helmet; it says “Waterloo Motors” on it.
  • Press “next frame” three more times to finish the reel of video.  Exit the close-up.
  • Examine the desk to enter a close-up.
  • Examine the desk drawer to open it. 

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Take the folder inside the drawer; George places it on the desk.
  • Examine the folder on the desk to open it.  Examine it again to flip the first page and learn that Henri hired an outside security company, Vera Security.  You’ll receive VERA SECURITY COMPLETION NOTE.
  • In your inventory, select PHONE.  Call Vera Security.  They hang up on you and George decides he’ll need to visit in person.
  • Examine the statue.  George notices the unexpected fig leaf.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the fig leaf.  George raises it and a secret door appears at the bottom of the statue.
  • Examine the safe to enter a close-up.  There is a keyhole and George comments the key is unlikely to be hidden in this office.  Exit the close-up.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the wastebasket on the floor to the left of the desk.  George finds a crumpled bill that lists Henri’s address on it. 
  • Navet bursts in and catches George; you have the option to tell him the truth or lie.  Either one is fine, we told the truth.
  • Select “CCTV” to end the conversation with Navet and leave the office.
  • A cutscene takes place where Navet closes the crime scene and tells everyone to leave; George and Nico go to the cafĂ© for coffee.  You can discuss the case with her.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Select whichever topics you’d like.  Once you mention “Vera Security,” Nico will leave and the map will appear.  Select the Vera Security icon to enter a new area.
  • Select the door on the left side of the screen to enter Vera Security.
  • As you walk in, a woman screams—there’s a cockroach on the ground that she wants you to get rid of.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the cockroach to enter a close-up.
  • Examine the crumbs; the cockroach is drawn to them.  Exit the close-up.
  • Examine the table on the right side of the room to enter a close-up. 

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the cigarette pack; George moves it to reveal a box of matches.  Pick this up to receive MATCHBOX.
  • Use MATCHBOX on the ashtray.  George will empty the matchbox, creating two separate items in your inventory: EMPTY MATCHBOX and SAFETY MATCHES.
  • Exit the close-up.  Examine the cockroach. 

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use EMPTY MATCHBOX on the crumbs.  George puts the box down as a trap for the cockroach, but needs bait to put inside.
  • Go outside and talk to the stallholder.  He complains of having a headache.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Ask about “migraine.”  He says the neon sign is giving him the headache.
  • Ask about “neon sign.”  George offers to fix the sign for the stallholder.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the sign to enter a close-up.  This is a mini-puzzle; you need to rearrange the letters to fix the flashing.
  • Remove the wire from just below the letters to receive WIRE.  The sign stops flashing.
  • Exit the close-up and speak to Bassam the stallholder again.  He is glad the flashing stopped but wants the sign to have an actual name on it, one that reminds people of treasure and faraway places.
  • Ask about “Bassam” and then “neon sign.”  George offers to create a name in the sign; Bassam says “You are like a genie from a magic lamp.”  These are all hints at the name Bassam would like.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Return to the neon sign and enter the close-up.  George comments that the letters can’t spell Bassam so he’ll have to think of something else.
  • You don’t need to use all of the letters in the sign, and should only use the sockets that light up—the last seven sockets.  That leaves the first five unused, with leftover letters. 
  • The name that fits Bassam’s goals is “Aladdin.”  Move the letters around so the final seven sockets spell out “Aladdin.”  You can’t swap two letters directly, but must pick up a letter, place it in an empty socket, and then pick up the other letter and place it where the other letter previously was.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Once you spell out “Aladdin,” George will stop and comment that sounds good, then show it to Bassam.
  • Speak to Bassam and ask about “cockroach.”  Bassam will give you RICH TEA BISCUIT.
  • Go back through the door to Vera Security.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the cockroach to enter the close-up again.  Use RICH TEA BISCUIT on the matchbox.  The cockroach will crawl inside.
  • Pick up the matchbox to trap the cockroach and receive MATCHBOX CONTAINING COCKROACH and PIECE OF RICH TEA BISCUIT.
  • Annette, the woman behind the counter and manager of Vera Security, will now speak with you.
  • Speak to Annette.  Select “gallery.”  George tells her there’s been a theft at the gallery and that Vera set up their security system.  Annette denies it.
  • Select “Vera Security completion note.”  Annette claims the work was signed off on so they can’t be blamed. 
  • George needs to get into the back office; Annette wants him to leave her alone so she can listen to the race on the radio.  If you try to touch anything while she’s looking, she’ll stop you.
  • In your inventory, use your PHONE.  Call Vera Security.
  • Annette will be temporarily distracted when she answers the phone.  Click on the radio at the end of the counter to turn it off.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • When she hangs up the phone, Annette will walk to the radio to fix it.  Click on Annette’s Black Book on the desk.  George grabs PHOTOGRAPH OF ANNETTE AND LAINE.
  • Speak to Annette again.  Select “Photograph of Annette and Laine.”  She admits to knowing Laine.
  • Select “Vera Owner.”
  • Select “Henri.”
  • George has learned everything he can here.  Leave Vera Security and exit back to the world map.
  • Return to the gallery.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • The gallery is sealed off and Laine is not visible inside.  Head left to the cafĂ©.
  • Speak to the waiter and select “Laine.”
  • You’ll learn that Laine stopped by the cafĂ© and then left to “console Henri’s widow.”

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Walk right past the gallery and tap on the metro station.
  • George will automatically go to Henri’s apartment. 

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use the intercom next to the apartment door.  Laine answers.
  • Select “Annette” and then “Theft.”  George threatens to call the police and Laine opens the door.  Head inside.
  • George and Laine begin talking as soon as you enter the flat.
  • Select “photograph of Laine and Annette.”
  • Select “Annette.”
  • Select “Vera owner.”  Laine leaves with the photograph and George realizes Annette lied to him about the owner; there must be something interesting in her back office.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Speak to Bijou.  Select “Henri” twice.
  • Select “Gallery.”
  • Select “Theft.”
  • Exit the conversation.  George comments that Bijou seems to know nothing and he needs to return to Vera Security.
  • Exit the flat; George automatically returns to the alley behind Vera Security.  It’s now night.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use the box near Bassam’s shop; George will push it up slightly.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Click on the girder above the box; George will climb the box and sidle along the girder to the electrical box above Vera Security.
  • Click on the electrical box to open the lid.  Examine the electrical box to enter a close-up view.
  • Press the switch on the power supply to turn it off (the fan will stop).
  • Use NAIL CLIPPERS to clip all three blue wires in the box.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use WIRE from your inventory on the uppermost cut blue wire.  This redirects the power to the shutter motor.
  • Flip the switch to turn the power back on.  The shutter opens and George drops down to the ground.
  • Enter the door to Vera Security.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Open the drawer just below the dead plant.  George finds a single Q-tip.
  • Take the item from the drawer to receive Q-TIP.
  • Enter the door to the back room.  It’s pitch black inside.
  • Use the light switch just to the right of George to turn on the lights.  He notices a pizza delivery scooter in the corner.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use Q-TIP on the patch of oil near the scooter to get OILY Q-TIP.
  • Examine the shredder on the table to enter a close-up view.
  • Open the lid of the shredder.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use OILY Q-TIP on the gears of the shredder.  Then push the power button.
  • The letter finishes shredding and you’ll enter a puzzle mini-game.  You need to put the shredded pieces back together.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • First pick up the paper clip from the upper right corner to add PAPER CLIP to your inventory and move it out of the way.
  • Time to rearrange the paper: it’s like a jigsaw puzzle, but you’ll need to line up complete words.  Some correct pieces are already next to each other but need to be moved to a different part of the table.  Use the text on the pages and the blue logo to find the right placement.  The blue logo represents the upper-right corner of the page.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • The finished letter is above.  After you complete it, George will add SHREDDED LETTER to his inventory.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use PAPER CLIP on the air vent on the left side of the screen.  George pulls the metal grating off the vent.
  • Examine the vent.  George finds a hidden gun, likely the one used to kill Henri.
  • Navet appears at that exact moment and accuses George of planting the gun here.  George is arrested and we take control of Nico in her apartment the following day.

Part 2

Overview: With the murder investigation heating up, Nico tries to track down the owner of the stolen painting.  But as her search begins to overlap with George’s, the truth of the gallery theft becomes more disturbingly obvious.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • An old man knocks on the door and enters, sitting at the table.
  • Speak to the elderly man.  Nico offers him a glass of wine; he claims to be Tiago Marques, the owner of “La MaledicciĂł.”  A conversation begins.
  • Ask him about “La MaledicciĂł.”
  • Ask him about “help.”  Tiago shows you a picture of his family from 1937 in front of “La MaledicciĂł.”
  • Nico shows Tiago the pictures from the robbery.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the bottom-left photo of the thief where his tattoo is visible.
  • Examine the bottom-right photo of the badly framed picture; Tiago takes this photo.
  • Exit the close-up.  Tiago needs a place to stay; Nico offers him her neighbor’s empty apartment.
  • Examine the door mat.  The key is missing but there’s a crack in the floor. 
  • Examine the floor crack to learn it’s too narrow for Nico’s fingers.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use PRESS CARD WITH CHEWING GUM on floor crack.  Nico retrieves APARTMENT KEY.
  • Use APARTMENT KEY on neighbor’s apartment.  Nico leads Tiago inside and then leaves for the gallery; she needs to find some record of the past owner or seller of the painting.
  • Nico arrives at the cafĂ©, where Laine is sitting.
  • Speak to Laine and select “La MaledicciĂł owner.”

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Ask about “manifest.”  Laine suggests checking Henri’s office.
  • Ask about “gallery.”  Laine suggests talking in the office of the gallery.  Since the door is locked, Nico needs him to get inside—choose yes by clicking on the green checkmark.
  • Laine and Nico head into the gallery and Henri’s office.  When Laine sits down on the sofa, Nico notices a folder sticking out from under the cushion.
  • Examine the sofa.  Nico sits down next to Laine; she needs to distract him to reach the folder.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Speak to Laine.  Select “glass of champagne.”  Laine pours two glasses and hands one to Nico, who sits it on the arm of the sofa.
  • Pick up the glass; you now have CHAMPAGNE in your inventory.
  • Use CHAMPAGNE on Laine.  Nico spills the champagne on him and he leaves to clean up.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Pick up the folder from the sofa cushion.  Nico reads that Medovsky is the listed owner of “La MaledicciĂł.”
  • Nico automatically leaves the gallery and returns to her apartment.  After a call with her editor, George appears and fills her in on what he’s gone through, including that Medovsky also owns Vera Security.
  • Tiago enters the apartment and shows George the photograph of “La MaledicciĂł” from his childhood.
  • Examine the child in the photograph.  George wonders how they can prove Tiago is that child.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • He pulls out the medallion his father gave him.  Examine the medallion. 
  • George decides they need to speak to Medovsky to clear up the painting’s ownership, but first they need to find Medovsky.
  • Speak to Nico.  Ask about “Medovsky.”
  • Ask about “thief.”
  • Ask about “tattoo.”
  • Ask about “Waterloo Motors.”  Nico sends the number for Waterloo Motors to your phone.
  • In your inventory, use PHONE to call Waterloo Motors.
  • Ask about “Waterloo Motors helmet.”
  • Ask about “tattoo.”  The Waterloo Motors employee gives you the address for Medovsky.
  • George and Nico head to London to confront Medovsky at his home.  You’re in control of Nico again.
  • The gate to Medovsky’s is locked and there’s no answer on the intercom.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the large topiary the gardener is working on.
  • Speak to the gardener.  Select “topiary.”
  • When he asks what you think, select the thumbs up for “good.”
  • Then select “eagle.”
  • After you’re finished discussing the topiary, ask about “Medovsky.”  The gardener phones Medovsky and then leads you inside.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Medovsky meets with Nico and George in his library.  Select the brick, “hard.”  Medovsky agrees to answer your questions.
  • Ask about “La MaledicciĂł.”
  • Ask about “thief.”
  • Ask about “Henri.”
  • Each of these opens up a new line of questions.
  • Ask about “receipts.”
  • Ask about “Vera Security.”
  • Ask about “restorer.”
  • Ask about “Vera Security” again.  The gardener enters and Medovsky leaves the room briefly.  You’ll take control of George, who decides to search the room.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the cabinet to enter a close-up view.  George automatically writes down the address of Medovsky’s art restorer, Hobbs.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Pick up the coin to add COIN to your inventory.
  • Examine the note next to the business card inside the cabinet. 
  • Take note of the date on the book in Cyrillic: 1869.  Exit the close-up.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the cigarette box to enter a close-up.
  • Use COIN on the broken catch of the cigarette box.
  • The box opens.  Take the KEY tucked in the lid.  Exit the close-up.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use KEY on the door to the study (near the cabinet).  Nico listens in on Medovsky’s conversation again.  Enter the study when she’s done.
  • Examine the desk.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • There are Cyrillic panels on the desk.  There are two other places with Cyrillic letters in Medovsky’s: the book on his cabinet and his typewriter.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Return to the library and examine the typewriter near the bookshelf.
  • If you examine the row of keys, George tries to remember what the associated English keys are.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Translate the keys to match the date in Medovsky’s book: 1869.  It’s Animus symbol, H, S, circle with a line through it.
  • Return to the study and examine the desk.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use the Cyrillic panels in the same order as you found them on the typewriter.  (Fourth panel from left, second panel from left, third panel from left, then seventh panel from left.)
  • Take the documents from the secret compartment that opens up.  George calls Nico in to examine the discovery, and then Medovsky returns and speaks with George.
  • Feel free to ask Medovsky about anything you’d like, although none of the conversation options are required.  Once finished, George and Nico leave automatically and head to Hobbs’ place.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the letterbox near the door.  George finds a letter.
  • Take the letter to receive UNOPENED LETTER.  In your inventory, right-click on UNOPENED LETTER to open and read it.  You’ll learn about Hobbs’ misconduct with previous art models.
  • Open the van cab door to enter a close-up.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Take the WHISKEY from the dashboard. 
  • Use the bonnet catch to open the hood of the van.  Exit the close-up.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the van bonnet (hood).  George finds that many of the wires aren’t connected to anything, including the horn.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the horn battery in the bottom-right corner.  George notices two loose wires.
  • Examine either loose wire on the horn.  George mentions if he had extra cable, he could reconnect it.  Exit the close-up.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the junk pile at the bottom of the screen.  There’s a lot of trash here, including some wires.
  • George receives a call from Navet, requiring him to return to Paris for a murder reconstruction the following day.
  • After the call with Navet, interact with the junk pile again.  George will pick up two lengths of wire, giving you two LONG WIRE items in your inventory.
  • Return to the van bonnet and examine it again.
  • You need a total of three wires to connect everything.  In your inventory, use NAIL CLIPPERS on one of the LONG WIRE items to get two SHORT WIRE items.  You now have SHORT WIRE, SHORT WIRE, and LONG WIRE.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use one SHORT WIRE on the bottom-right loose wire, connecting the horn to the battery.
  • Use LONG WIRE on the wire just to the left of this.
  • Use the remaining SHORT WIRE on the upper-left wiring loom to connect the horn to the dashboard.
  • Once complete, George comments that everything’s hooked up and exits the engine.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Exit the close-up and enter the van’s cab.  Use the horn.
  • George honks and Hobbs comes out onto his balcony.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Hobbs won’t answer any questions you ask him, so just select “modeling agency letter” from the available topics.  George will claim to be from the modeling agency and Hobbs opens the door.
  • Go inside the door to the studio.  Hobbs has Nico sit down to model and asks George to get undressed.  While Nico is distracting Hobbs, George needs to sneak a peek at the portfolio.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Go behind the screen near Nico.  George runs into Lady Piermont, who’s supposed to also be modeling naked but puts her robe on because of the temperature.  Hobbs takes a sip of his drink.
  • Speak to Lady Piermont.  She asks George to turn up the heat.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use the thermostat.  Hobbs complains that the building’s fuse box can’t handle the heat; Lady Piermont insists.  George turns the heat up.  Hobbs takes two more sips of his drink.
  • George thinks he can use the faulty wiring to his advantage.  Let’s blow the fuse box.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the stereo.  Use the power button and then the volume button.  Exit the stereo close-up.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Go up the stairs.  Use the lift button.  Head back downstairs.
  • Use WHISKEY on Hobbs to pour him another glass. 
  • Speak to Lady Piermont.  Select “lift” to have her stand on the lift.
  • Go back upstairs and use the lift button again.  The lift will get stuck halfway and the power goes out.
  • Hobbs moves to the fuse box and turns the power back on, then returns to his painting and takes a drink.  He’s now drunk and wobbly.
  • Use the lift buttons one more time.  Head downstairs and examine the portfolio.  Hobbs should remain on the stool, leaning against the wall, giving you a chance to look.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Turn the page of the sketchbook.  You have to hold the mouse over a very specific area of the left-hand side of the book for the action icon to appear.
  • Turn the page three more times, until you reach a sketch of the ouroboros from “La MaledicciĂł.”
  • Take the unusual sketch.  Hobbs catches you and you admit to not being a model.
  • Ask Hobbs about “Henri.”
  • Choose “soft” when dealing with Hobbs.
  • Ask about “Medovsky.”  Hobbs said Medovsky has provenances for his ownership of “La MaledicciĂł,” but they were given to Henri—so Laine should know something about them.
  • The conversation ends and George and Nico return to Paris.  Nico has a lunch with her editor and George needs to go to the gallery reconstruction.
Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1
  • You’ll be on the world map.  Go to the gallery.
  • Enter the gallery door.  George will explain to Navet who the killer is.  Navet insists they need to do a reconstruction of the crime scene and that George’s idea is fantastical.
  • Speak to Laine.  Ask about the “provenance.”
  • Laine says that the provenance is in the office safe, and Bijou has the key. 
  • If you try to leave the gallery, Navet stops you.  He won’t let you leave until the recreation is complete.
  • Speak to Navet and ask about the “machine.”  George offers to look at it but Navet refuses.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Walk over to the left side of the screen, near where “La MaledicciĂł” used to hang.
  • Pull the plug from the wall. 
  • Walk back to Navet and speak with him.  Select “machine.”  George points out it’s unplugged and Navet and Moue move away to investigate.
  • George looks at the machine and you enter a close-up of some buttons and switches.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Flip the switches in this order, counting from the left: second, third, first, last.  They should all now be green.
  • Hit the power switch and the machine will turn on.
  • Now Navet just needs a body; he nominates George but needs him to look more like Henri.
  • Nico and the priest arrive at the reconstruction. 
  • Walk past them and into Henri’s office.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the head of Henri on the statue.  George notices a pair of glasses.
  • Take GLASSES.
  • Exit the office back to the gallery.  Use GLASSES on Navet.
  • Navet begins the reconstruction.  George lies down where Henri died, with Father Simeon standing over him.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Speak to Simeon.  Ask about “La MaledicciĂł.”
  • Ask about “ouroboros.”  Navet says step one of 36 has been completed.
  • Feel free to ask about anything else you’d like.  To end the conversation, show Simeon Hobbs’ sketch.
  • Simeon storms out of the gallery and an inspector from Interpol arrives.  He takes George and Nico for coffee and asks for their help on the case, warning that Medovsky is dangerous.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • After coffee, you’ll be on the world map.  Go to Bijou’s apartment.
  • Use the intercom; Bijou buzzes you up.
  • Enter the door.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Speak to Bijou.  Ask about “song.”
  • Ask about “song” again.  Bijou won’t discuss anything without a replacement record.
  • Exit Bijou’s apartment and exit the street to return to the world map.
  • Go to Vera Security.
  • Examine Bassam’s cart.  He invites George to take a closer look.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the musical greeting cards.
  • Speak to Bassam.  Ask about “song.”  One of the greeting cards plays the song Bijou wants.  Bassam gives you MUSICAL CARD.
  • Exit the arcade and return to Bijou’s apartment.  Use the intercom and then enter the building.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use MUSICAL CARD on Bijou.
  • Speak to Bijou and ask about “provenance.”  She wants to dance with Henri.  George needs to make himself look more like Henri to get her to speak with him.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Move to the right near Henri’s coffin.  Take the WHITE FLOWER from his lapel.
  • Move back towards Bijou and examine her dressing table.  George sits down in front of the mirror.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Take WAX STRIP.  We need a way to get more hair on George’s face.
  • Exit the mirror and move towards the coffin.
  • Use WAX STRIP on stuffed dog.
  • Return to the dressing table and examine it again to sit down.
  • Note: You can use the tissues to remove all items from George at any time.  Feel free to play around with some of the other makeup…

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use the brown eyeshadow to color your hair brown.
  • Use WAXED DOG HAIRS on George’s mouth (via the mirror).
  • Use GLASSES on George’s eyes (via the mirror).
  • Use WHITE FLOWER on the button hole on George’s shirt (via the mirror).

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use EAU DE TOILETTE on George’s neck (via the mirror).
  • This is the final item needed; once you’re finished, Bijou and “Henri” will automatically begin dancing and Bijou hands over the key to the safe.  She faints afterwards and George leaves the apartment and returns to the gallery.
  • He runs into Father Simeon at the cafĂ©.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Ask about “tabula veritatis.”
  • Ask about “cathars.”
  • Ask about “Gnostics.”
  • The conversation ends; walk to the gallery.
  • Use BIJOU’S KEYS on the gallery door.
  • Enter the office.
  • Use the fig leaf on the statue to reveal the secret compartment.
  • Use BIJOU’S KEYS on the keyhole.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Take NOTE.
  • Take the paperwork underneath the note and ring.  George moves to the desk to examine it closer.
  • Tapping on the provenance turns it 90 degrees.
  • Turn the provenance twice so it’s upside down.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use HOBBS’ SKETCH on the provenance.  George lays them side-by-side and the coffee stain matches up; Hobbs forged the provenance.
  • Upon learning this, a gunshot sounds from the gallery and the door to the office is shut tight.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use DIAMOND RING on the window.  George cuts open the glass and exits to the street.
  • Enter the gallery through the door.
  • Move back to the office door and speak to Simeon, who has been shot.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Take the papers from Simeon’s hand.  George examines them more closely.
  • Examine the cover note, the manuscript, and the illustration.
  • Exit the close-up of the manuscript; Laine is in the gallery and accuses you of killing Simeon.
  • Nico calls and George rushes to her apartment to find Tiago’s apartment ransacked and Tiago missing.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the overturned chair.  George find’s Marquez’s MEDALLION underneath.
  • Examine the mess near the chair.  George finds MARQUES’ FAMILY PHOTOGRAPH.
  • Examine the sofa.  George finds MARQUES’ SCRIBBLED PHOTOGRAPH. 
  • Exit the close-up of the photograph.  Nico returns and Navet calls; he’s on his way to arrest George for the murder of Father Simeon.  Nico and George sneak downstairs into Fleur’s flower shop.
  • Fleur gives George YARN.  Adam, Nico’s neighbor, arrives and sits in the flower shop, waiting for the police to leave his apartment.
  • Note: In the flower shop, we experienced some game crashes.  To fix this, we changed the game’s settings to “classic UI.”

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Take FLOWERS from the basket on the floor.
  • Examine the boxes along the right side of the screen.  
  • Take the MANNEKEN PIS.  It’s a statue that tinkles when you fill it with water and add batteries.
  • Speak to Adam. 
  • Ask about “Adam.”  You’ll learn he just got back from a coin fair.
  • Show him your COIN.
  • Adam leaves to get the coin appraised. 
  • Examine his CD player after he leaves.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Press the Stop button.
  • Press the Eject button.
  • Take the COMPACT DISC.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Open the battery compartment.
  • Take BATTERY, and then exit the close-up.
  • Use COMPACT DISC on the stereo.  The ocean sounds begin to make Moue stir.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • In your inventory, use BATTERY on MANNEKEN PIS.
  • In your inventory, use WHISKEY on MANNEKEN PIS.
  • Use MANNEKEN PIS on the trolley.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use the Manneken in a trolley; George pushes it outside next to Moue.  Moue gets the urge to go, and goes.
  • George and Nico leave and head for Bijou’s apartment. 
  • Use the intercom and enter Bijou’s apartment.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Speak to Bijou. 
  • Ask about “Hobbs,” then show her Hobbs’ note.
  • Ask about “Hobbs” again and then ask about “Henri.”  Bijou promises to cooperate.
  • Ask Bijou about the three items, “Hobbs,” “gallery,” and “Medovsky.”  She admits that Hobbs forged the provenance for Medovsky.  Nico and George leave for Hobbs’ studio.
  • At the studio, the gate has been forced open.  George picks up CHAIN.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Pick up CROWBAR.
  • Knock on the studio entrance door—no answer.
  • Examine the van door; use the van horn like we did the first time we visited Hobbs’ studio.  This scares away the seagull on the drainpipe.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Climb up the drainpipe; the seagull returns while you are climbing.
  • While on the drainpipe, talk to Nico. 

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Select “van horn.”  Nico will honk the horn and the seagull will fly away.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Quickly use CROWBAR on the crane while the seagull is gone.  George swings the crane over to the balcony and then lets Nico in.  They head upstairs to Hobbs’ main studio.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the painting to receive DUST SHEET.
  • Go upstairs.  Use the elevator buttons to move the lift upstairs.
  • Use CHAIN on the lift.  George will automatically tie the other end of the chain to the door, and then press the button again.  The lift pulls the door open.
  • Go inside the upstairs balcony door.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Listen to the message on Hobbs’ phone.
  • Look at the portrait near the door of Bijou’s behind; it’s screwed into the wall.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Open the cupboard door to retrieve COLA BOTTLE.
  • Move to the right; George discovers Hobbs’ dead body.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine Hobbs.  Take MINTS from his pocket.
  • Examine the empty frame.  Someone stole a forged “La MaledicciĂł” and the original is still hidden in this room (behind Bijou’s behind).

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the pinboard.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Examine the bottom-right sketch.
  • Examine Castell del Sants.
  • Exit the close-up.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Return to Bijou’s behind portrait and use the CROWBAR on the portrait.  You’ll remove the painting and find the real “La MaledicciĂł.”
  • George and Nico discuss what next—handing the evidence over to the police—when they realize the studio is on fire.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • In your inventory, use MINTS on COLA BOTTLE to get TREMBLING BOTTLE.

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use TREMBLING BOTTLE on the drip bucket.  The bottle explodes out the skylight and opens it further.
  • In your inventory, use CROWBAR on DUST SHEET to make GRAPPLE AND LINE. 

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse: Episode 1

  • Use GRAPPLE AND LINE on the skylight.
  • George and Nico escape, and see the person who started the fire leaving the scene. 
  • They’ve uncovered a lot of secrets, but their adventure is far from over.  Episode 1, however, is over!


You have completed Gamezebo’s walkthrough for Broken Sword 5 – The Serpent’s Curse: Episode 1.  Be sure to check back often for game updates, staff and user reviews, user tips, forums comments, and much more here at Gamezebo!

Jillian will play any game with cute characters or an isometric perspective, but her favorites are Fallout 3, Secret of Mana, and Harvest Moon. Her PC suffers from permanent cat-on-keyboard syndrome, which she blames for most deaths in Don’t Starve. She occasionally stops gaming long enough to eat waffles and rewatch Battlestar Galactica.