Airport City Walkthrough

Manage your own airport and small town in Airport City. Build your airport and transport the citizens of your town to exotic locations in this building simulation from Game Insight.

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Game Introduction – Airport City

Manage your own airport and small town in Airport City. Build your airport and transport the citizens of your town to exotic locations in this building simulation from Game Insight.

Quick Start Guide

Getting Started

Navigating the Screen

Airport City

  • At the top of the screen you will find your level and experience, total fuel, available passengers, coin balance, airport cash balance, city capacity, and energy balance.
  • On the left side of the screen you will find your current missions.
  • On the right side of the screen you will find visiting planes, flight times, and bonuses.
  • At the bottom of the screen you will find your store, flights, warehouse, collections, friends and news, and tools.


  • Coins: Coins are the currency in Airport City. You will need coins to purchase expansions for your airport, build homes and businesses, and purchase new planes. You earn coins by sending out flights and from your businesses.
  • Airport Cash: Airport cash is the premium currency in Airport City. Airport cash can be used to skip missions, purchase bonuses, unlock items early, and purchase premium items. Airport cash can be purchased using real money. You can also earn one airport cash each time you level up.
  • Experience: Experience is earned by completing missions. Once you’ve earned enough experience you will level up. Leveling up will unlock new items, missions, planes, and locations to fly to.
  • Fuel: Fuel is necessary for your planes to fly. When you run out of fuel you will be unable to send out any flights. You can either wait for your fuel reserves to replenish or you can use a fuel bonus.
  • Passengers: Your planes will not fly without passengers. Passengers are collected from houses in your city. Each type of house will earn you a certain amount of passengers over a certain amount of time. Once you are out of available passengers you will need to wait to collect more, or use a passenger bonus item.
  • Energy: Energy is needed to power the buildings in your city. You will need to build power plants in order to increase the size of your city.
  • City Capacity: Your city capacity determines how many buildings you can build. Each building you place in your city will take up a certain amount of your capacity. You will need to expand your city to increase your capacity.

Airport City

  • Missions: You will be given numerous missions to accomplish while playing Airport City. Missions earn you experience, coins, and bonus items. Completing missions is vital to earning enough experience to level up.
  • Store: The store is where you will find everything you need to purchase to be successful in Airport City. To access your store, tap on the store button located at the bottom of your screen. In the store you will find:

Airport City

  • Residential Buildings: Residential buildings provide you with passengers for your planes.

Airport City

  • Airport Buildings: Airport buildings will allow you to run your airport. Here you will find runways, hangars, and control towers, among other buildings.

Airport City

  • Planes: This is where you can purchase and sell planes. Different planes allow you to fly to different locations. You will need hangars for your planes. If you do not have the available space for a new plane you will need to either sell one of your current planes or wait until you can build additional hangars.

Airport City

  • Commerce: Commerce buildings allow you to earn coins over time.

Airport City

  • Industries: Under industries you will find power plants. As your city and airport grow, you will need to build new and better power plants to meet the power needs of your city.

Airport City

  • Decorations: Decorations allow you to make your city unique. Currently, decorations are purely aesthetic.

Airport City

  • Bonuses: Bonus items provide unique bonuses for a certain amount of time. For example, using the business class bonus will triple the income you receive from flights for six hours. Bonuses can be purchased by using airport cash, or occasionally earned by completing missions.

Airport City

  • Expansions: Here you can purchase expansions for your city and airport, giving yourself more space to build on.

Airport City

  • Resources: Resources are similar to bonuses but provide you with additional passengers, fuel and the like. They can be earned by completing missions, or purchased using airport cash.
  • Flights: You will be sending your planes on flights. Flights earn you coins but cost you fuel and passengers. Each flight will earn you a certain amount of coins and take a specific amount of time. You will need to weigh these factors to determine the right flight destinations for your style of play.
  • Flight Times: Your flight times show you how long each deployed flight have left. You can use extra fuel to speed up flights.

Airport City

  • Visiting Flights: Visiting flights can bring in extra coins. You need to have enough fuel for these flights, and they take longer to fuel and load then your own flights.

Airport City

  • Warehouse: Your warehouse is where you will find your inventory. You can find your bonuses and resources here as well as sell any planes you no longer need.

Airport City

  • Collections: When collecting coins from your flights and commerce buildings you will sometimes run across collection items. Once you’ve completed a collection you can trade it in for bonus coins, experience, and/or bonuses and resources.

Airport City

  • Daily Bonus: Each day that you log into Airport City you will earn a bonus. If you log in multiple days in a row that bonus will grow.

Building & Running Your Airport and City

  • The first thing you will need for you airport is an airplane.

Airport City

  • You will need to purchase a hangar before you can purchase a plane. To purchase a hangar, tap on the store button located at the bottom of your screen. Then tap on the airport buildings tab.
  • Select the level one hangar and tap buy to purchase it.
  • You will be taken back to your main screen. Tap the spot you wish to place the hangar (it must be placed on concrete, not grass) and tap the check mark to finalize the purchase.
  • Now tap on the hangar to open the plane shop. Select the plane you wish to purchase and confirm the purchase.
  • Before you can send your plane on its first flight you will need to build a runway.
  • Return to the airport buildings tab of the shop and select the level one runway.
  • Place the runway on concrete and tap the check mark to confirm the purchase.
  • You should already have fuel for your flight (fuel accrues over time) but you may still need passengers for you flight.

Airport City

  • When you begin the game, you will find several homes have already been built in your city. They should have suitcases above them indicating that you can collect passengers from them.
  • Tap each house to collect the passengers.
  • Now you are ready to send your plane on its inaugural flight.

Airport City

  • Tap the hangar to bring up the flight menu. At the beginning of the game you will have only one destination available to you. Tap on the fly button to begin the flight.

Airport City

  • If for some reason, you do not meet all the requirements for the flight, or your runway is in use, you will get a message telling you what you need to do to start the flight.

Airport City

  • Otherwise, you will find your plane on an available runway. It should have an oil drop icon above it. Tap on the plane to fuel it.

Airport City

  • Tap on the plane again the load passengers.

Airport City

  • Now, tap on the plane one last time to allow it to take off.
  • On the right side of your screen you can see how long it will be before your flight returns. If you have more than one flight going at a time, tap the flight times icon to see the length of each flight.
  • As you grow your airport, you will want to purchase additional hangars, different planes, and more runways so that you can have numerous flights going at one time.

Airport City

  • Once a flight is complete it will land. Tap on the plane to collect coins, experience and any bonus items you may have earned.
  • In addition to your airport, you will need to build your city as well.
  • To begin with you will want to build houses to increase the number of passengers you have available.
  • To build a house, tap on the shop button and select the residential tab.
  • Here you will see numerous housing options. Each house type will earn a certain number of passengers over a certain amount of time.
  • Select one of the housing options and tap the buy button. You will be returned to your main screen. Tap on a grassy area to place the house and tap the check mark to confirm the purchase.
Airport City
Airport City
  • You will need to wait for the building to complete or you can tap on the building and choose to speed up the build time using some of your coins (yes, coins, not airport cash!).
  • Once the home is complete you will need to tap it once more to unlock it.
Airport City
  • Also, all buildings must be connected to a road. To build roads, tap on the tool button at the bottom the screen (the pointer) and select the road option.
  • To build commerce buildings, follow the same steps but go to the commerce tab in the shops instead.
  • Once completed commerce buildings will earn you coins over time.
  • You will want to be aware of your energy consumption while building your city. You can see your current energy capacity at the top of your screen.
  • Each building takes a certain amount of energy. You can see how much energy each building uses on the shop page.
  • If you are running out of energy you will need to build additional power plants.
  • Power plants can be found under the industries tab in your shop.

Maximizing Coins

  • You will need a steady income to maintain your airport and keep your planes in the air.
  • The best ways to earn coins are to complete missions, sending out flights, and collecting from your businesses.
  • If you are desperate for coins, you can sell back buildings, planes, and items for a small amount of coins.
  • You can also purchase additional coins with real currency.

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